New Nikon DTown TV is Up!
Our 3rd DTown TV show is up today. This week we cover color spaces and which one to set your camera to as well as the Info panel on the back of the camera and how best to use it. We also take a look at the battery grips you can pick up for certain cameras and why they’re useful. OK, so here’s your marching orders for the day:
1) Head over and watch the new show if you’re into that kinda thing.
2) Then scroll down and read today’s “Worth-a-click” post.
3) Don’t leave any comments about how I shouldn’t post anything about DTown TV on this site. It won’t do any good, I’ll ignore them and I’m still gonna post about it 🙂 (check the comments too – I elaborated on this a bit)
Here’s a link to
Yes, what can I say. Apparently there are other opinions, too.
Kaum vorstellbar diese Meinungen
Matt, I just recently bought a Nikon D-700 and I have learned so much about my new camera from your show. I anxiously await each new show. I see there are several courses on Kelby Training for certain cameras. Do you know if a course for the D-700 is in the future?
Hi Matt,
Sorry to see that you’ve become a ‘victim’ of those that seem to think they ‘own’ and ‘control’ what people write on their blogs.
As the majority would say, just keep doing what you’re doing … you’re doing a fantastic job and many, many people are benefiting and love what you and the rest of the guys do for us, for FREE.
All the best to you,
Off topic
I just read a tutuorial on mimicking a polarized filter in PS CS4. Have you or anyone else developed a LR preset to do the same thing.
I love the work Matt does. I have no intention what so ever to kill any kind of happines over D-Town or anyting else. I just wrote my opinion. I guess that is why there is an option to comment the posts.
Of course I can ignore posts I don’t like. Why even mention that?
Great…I have the D90 and those tips were perfect…there’s alot to learn on this camera and DTown helps tremencously….
Thanks. Frank
Hi Matt,
It’s amazing to me that people have to complain about something that is free and useful to the majority of us. This entitlement mentality drives me crazy. Your blog has made my photography 100% better since I started reading it a couple of years ago. Keep up the good work and remember that 99.9% of us enjoy and appreciate your hard work bringing us this great wealth of knowledge! By the way, I’m a canon user and I get tons of info from D-Town!
Thanks for everything!
The tips are awesome but i wonder why there is no more link to download the video so that I can watch and refer to it again in future. You have the link for Ep.1 video only…
I had a quick question (it actually has to do with the video… amazing, isn’t it?). I’ve had the MB-D80 for a bit… I do enjoy the feel (size wise) but have had a hard time adjusting to the “feel” of the shutter release button. I’ve had the D300 for a bit, but haven’t jumped on the battery grip for that mostly because of worrying about that “feel”. Could you let me know your thoughts on the MB-D10 and how the “feel” compares to the actual camera?
Just want to echo the voices of the “thankful”. I really appreciate all you do to educate so many. Thanks!
“I have been following this blog because I need lights in my room and you have never once mentioned anything about how or what to “light a room with”!! I am leaving this blog and start following the local power companies blog…”
Sorry had to get that out of my system…I love this blog, D-Town, Photoshop TV, and the NAPP site in general! Always great useful info for any level photographer/Designer! Please keep ’em coming!
I thinks it’s just because there’s no drama over at Kelby’s blog this week, so everyone came over here to start some sh*t. Hence, this is my first comment here! I enjoy everything you guys put together, so please keep up the good work.
P.S. I’ve worn out the servers watching your Lightroom 2 series over at Kelby training- got me up to speed on LR2 amazingly fast. Cheers, -Matt
Thanks for the tip.
D town rocks….
and folks, come on! What on earth is wrong with a plug? Matt’s blog isnt a subscription you are paying for. There has been a HUGE amount of info posted here on a regular basis. And presets…..FREE PRESETS….come on. Don’t like a post, click on and keep surfing….there’s always another day for what you are looking for…..
and may the disagreement continue…..
(keep up the great work Matt!)
Hi Matt,
You can post whatever you like on here – the people reading this should have the decency not to complain – they aren’t forced to read anything. I for one think that D-Town is great. I have a D300 and so far you’ve pointed out lots of things I didn’t know. Maybe the detractors shoot Canon and are jealous!
I also think this site is brilliant too.
So keep it coming please!!!
Thanks for understanding folks. I wrote this post pretty much with a tongue in cheek look on my face because of the comments last week. Here’s what it boils down to. This is my blog (of course you know that already). I’m excited about DTown TV and I have every right to be. If I want to write 1 post per week that mentions, promotes, or points to a project I’m working on that I’m excited about, then I’m entitled to do that. I didn’t dupe you in any way and bait you in with a catchy title to get you to read. When you see “DTown” in your feed reader can’t you just not read? I do it all the time in my software. That’s why we have titles. I hit delete when the title doesn’t grab me.
If you look back through the archives you’ll see that I try to tie each and every post in to something Lightroom or photography related. In fact, I promise you that thought is first and foremost on my mind. Whenever I write anything here, and for any non-Lightroom post I write I make sure that there’s something LR related to go up on the blog THAT DAY.
I’ve got a deal for you though. I used to do this and I haven’t in a while. I will title the post “Blatant Plug – etc…” if I do this again for DTown or any books, dvds, seminars etc… that I create (yes I will mention them 🙂 ). That way, you can program yourself (or your blog reading software) to filter out the “Blatant Plug” posts. Honestly though, the show is new for me. We’re psyched about it and just trying to get the word out to the communities that can benefit from it – this is one of those communities. We did it for Photoshop TV when it started and you barely see me mention the show here. Let me have my moment of being happy about it and it’ll run it’s course. In the meantime, if the title of the post doesn’t look appealing to you then just hit the Delete key.
Matt K
Hi Matt,
i totally agree with Jeff Powell, the tutorials are a wealth of info. and can be applied to most any camera, so the settings might be located or worded differently from camera to camera. It’s EDUCATION AND IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THE INFORMATION OR EDUCATION,it leaves you STUPID. So all the haters, you know where you fall!
Thank you Matt and the rest of the many people who share their knowledge so we can be smarter in who we are and what we do.
Hi Matt,
i totally agree with Jeff Powell, the tutorials are a wealth of info. and can be applied to most any camera, so the settings might be located or worded differently from camera to camera. It’s EDUCATION AND IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THE INFORMATION OR EDUCATION,it leaves you STUPID. So all the hater, you know where you fall!
Thank you Matt and the rest of the many people who share their knowledge so we can be smarter in who we are and what we do.
Yeah I agree with Jeff Powell.
I mean by and large this blog covers “Lightroom Killer Tips”; now the Kelby crew has a “deal” going with Nikon to do this show. Just remember folks…..this blog is not here because they love you and completely donate all of their time and own personal money to helping YOU….FREE OF CHARGE….they also have mouths to feed… bout we give them a little break?
Besides….maybe by being cozy with Nikon we’ll learn some cool things that may in fact relate to the use of Lightroom with Nikon created images.
Just a thought..
Todd in Chicago
Hi Matt,
i totally agree with Jeff Powell, the tutorials are a wealth of info. and can be applied to most any camera, so the settings might be located or worded differently from camera to camera. It’s EDUCATION AND IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THE INFORMATION OR EDUCATION,it leaves you STUPID. So all the hater, you lnow where you fall!
Thank you Matt and the rest of the many people who share their knowledge so we can be smarter in who we are and what we do.
I’m a Canon shooter…..and I have watched all 3.1 ( .1 includes the little HDR Lightroom tutorial ) episodes of D-Town, and will watch all future episodes as well. Folks, even though it is Nikon centered, there is still some good tidbits to take away from it. I don’t understand you fellow Canon shooters, or maybe your Sony I don’t know, but I dont understand this hatred for anything other than your brand showing up on a general Lightroom blog. They’re all cameras, and regardless of the brand, there a lot of similarities and tips that can be used across all platforms!!
This “screw you I’m going home” attitude is laughable! 🙂
A note to folks annoyed by DTown TV posts on Killer Tips feed & Matt’s comment about not commenting (!)
No need to throw the baby out with the bath water. Just set your feed reader to filter out the DTown posts. Voila, just Lightroom posts. (Sorry, Matt, but there’s just too little time to read unrelated material.)
Matt, this is not related to Dtown but related to Lihtroom, just did not know where to post it or ask questions, anyway, I just upgraded to LR 2.3 and among other things I noticed that my camera profiles are gone? is it supposse to be like that? I really like my Nikon camera profiles, how do I get them back?
Is this an issure related to LR 2.3? what do you know?
asl always your input is greatly apprieated
All the DtownTV episodes are available for free on iTunes.
Hi Matt,
You made the first D-Town episode available for download. It would be nice if you could do the same for all episodes. That way we can save them on our notebooks and watch them wherever we want without the need for an internet connection. I plan on getting a Nikon D-SLR soon and -D-Town will be very valuable.
I guess we’ll have to start ignoring this blog. Nothing more annoying than irrelevant xposting.
Out of the feed reader…