
Time To Update Your Copyright Info For 2016

Hi Gang: OK, it’s a new year, right now (while you’re thinking about it), let’s update our Copyright metadata presets so the images we take this year have the correct copyright info from the get-go. It’s easy — here’s how:


STEP ONE: Go to the Library Module; go under the Metadata menu and choose “Edit Metadata Presets” as shown here (by the way — even if you don’t have a Copyright template in place, you can use this same menu to create one, so still choose Edit Metadata Presets to get started).


STEP TWO: When the Edit Metadata Presets window appears (shown above), choose the name of the preset you want to Edit, and it displays your copyright template info (as seen).


STEP THREE: Go to the IPTC Copyright section, and click on the field to the right of Copyright (as shown here), then just type in 2016 right over where it previously said 2015. If you’re creating your first Copyright template, just go ahead and type in the IPTC Copyright and Creator Fields info (as seen here).


STEP FOUR: Once you’ve updated the date, it’s time to save you new preset by going to the pop-up menu at the top of the window and choosing “Save Current Settings as New Preset.”


STEP FIVE: This brings up a small dialog where you can enter the name for your New Preset (as seen above).


STEP SIX: If you don’t have any old 2015 images you haven’t imported into Lightroom yet, then you can delete last year’s preset (you won’t be using it again if you’ve already imported all your images from last year), so if you want to delete it (totally up to you  — you don’t have to), just choose the 2015 Preset from the pop-up menu; then go to the same pop-up menu and choose Delete Preset “2015 Copyright” (or whatever you named it), then click the Done button.

OK, there ya go! Quick shout out to my buddy Robert Vanelli who I saw mentioning to update your copyright metadata on Twitter yesterday. Thanks, V! 🙂

Hope you all have a great Monday — it’s the first Monday of 2016 — let’s make it a great one!





  1. HenrikP 8 January, 2016 at 12:30 Reply

    I don’t get it! I know people do this but why? I mean if it is my pix I have the copyright now and next year, what is the catch?

  2. Clifford Martin 8 January, 2016 at 10:21 Reply

    Is there an equiv. preset for regular Photoshop? If so, how do you change it?

    Isn’t setting the Copyright notice in the camera enough?

  3. Mitch 4 January, 2016 at 14:12 Reply

    Also, in case you’re creating a new one like me, option-g on a Mac will insert the copyright symbol. And I think it’s ALT-0169 for Windows.

  4. Dave 4 January, 2016 at 12:43 Reply

    Thank you Mr. Kelby,
    I always forget to change this in LR and in my cameras until I have started to amass some images and then go back and make the updates. Not this year. Shall we call 2016 the year of the Kelby?

    • John 5 January, 2016 at 10:31 Reply

      Answer my own question: That is wrong! (Sorry, my mistake). Per the US government, copyright or symbol, date and name are necessary, except in a few instances (e.g., greeting cards).

      • Renee 6 January, 2016 at 21:04 Reply

        Thanks John!!! I had a generic (dateless) copyright statement…will be updating now.

        So for those that register your images with the copyright office…any additional tips to cross reference with your filing?

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