Three Tips for Shooting Tethered Into Lightroom
The one and only Terry White has an awesome video with three tips for shooting tethered into Lightroom, and I wanted to share it because I watched the video and immediately picked up a tip about tethered I simply did not know (and now some things that didn’t make a lick of sense, suddenly do).
He says it’s three tips, but you’ll learn a LOT more about tethering than just three tips – it’s really way more! (NOTE: He make this video back on LR 5, but all the tips still apply today – Adobe hasn’t updated or changed tethering since then, so it all still applies).
Hope you found that helpful (and thanks, T)!!!
Also congrats to Terry on being honored with the “Legend” Award
On the heels of being inducted into the Photoshop Hall of Fame, last week Terry White was awarded the ‘Exposure 101 Legends Award’ at their conference last week in Detroit. Terry received the award for his “Longevity, Performance, Innovation, Inspiration and Service in Photography.” Well deserved, Terry!!! 🙂
Catch me live today at 4pm ET on The Grid
My guest is the new Team Photographer for Major League Baseball’s Miami Marlins, the one and only Rob Foldy. Should be a great show!!! – hope to see you then (we’re taking your questions and comments live on the air).
Terry, these tips are GOLD. Thank you so much for teaching this as I am totally new to tethering and LightRoom. (I have been a Photoshop user for over 15 yrs)
Removing the card in my Nikons when tethering. Bing! Thanks, great tip.
Totally agree Jim!
Now, I have learned things that will make using Tethering more productive. Thank’s Scott, and of course Terry, my go to Guys’.
Ooooh! how that first (bonus for Nikon) tip answers so many questions. Terry, you are my hero! All the tips were great