
Thanks Michigan! Next Stop – Adobe Max and Colorado Springs

Hey there! I just got back from teaching my Lightroom seminar in Livonia, Michigan yesterday, and had an awesome crowd of about 300 photographers. A big thanks if you came out to the seminar, and it was great to meet so many of you and get such a warm welcome.

Next month (well, next week actually) I’m off to teach some more Lightroom at Adobe Max in LA. I’ve got two classes there and you can find out more about them right here.

Later in the month I’ll be in Colorado Springs on October 22nd and then on to Philadelphia in November and San Antonio in December. So if you’re in any of those areas I hope you’ll come out and join me for a full day of Lightroom learnin’.

That’s it for today! See ya!



  1. Dennis Zito 1 October, 2014 at 05:30 Reply

    Hey Matt,

    If we get moved into our new house here in San Antonio by the first of November, I’ll be seeing you on Dec 5th here in San Antonio! I’m keeping my finger crossed! 🙂


  2. Joanne Buchman 30 September, 2014 at 14:03 Reply

    We loved having you here! I learned so much, not only are you an awesome instructor….you have the greatest sense of humor. I hope to be able to come to more of your workshops when in the area. They are so reasonably priced for what you get in return. Thanks again for the autograph!! I posted on Facebook that these seminars are not to be missed!!!

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