
Tampa Photowalk a Success!

I just wanted to give a shout out to all of the Tampa (Hyde Park) photo-walkers from Saturday. We had a GREAT time! It was 1) hot, 2) it even rained a little, 3) we were harassed by Hyde Park security, 4) some one fell and dropped/broke their D70 and lens (she’s ok though and now seems quite content at the need to replace her older D70 with a D300). But it didn’t dampen the spirits of anyone there. Seriously, I had a blast and everybody there was great. Just about all of the 50 who showed up even stayed for lunch (which was also really good) and that gave us some time to actually talk inside (where it wasn’t 95 degrees 🙂 ). For me, it was the epitome of what a photo walk should be – people out shooting in a local neighborhood and, more importantly, having a great time socializing with each other. My sincere thanks to everyone in the group for making this past Saturday the best photo walk I’ve ever been on.

• Here’s the link to the Flickr group from my Tampa Hyde Park walk.

• Here’s a link to the book that made this all happen. Scott’s Lightroom 2 Book for Digital Photographers. It’ll be out in the next couple weeks so reserve your copy now.

Make sure you leave a comment to say Hi if you were on the Tampa photo walk or, heck, leave a comment if you were on any photowalk on Saturday and let us know how it went. Scroll down to the next post for today’s presets.



  1. JKiraly 1 September, 2008 at 20:19 Reply

    Hey Matt! Thank you so much for the amazing Hyde Park Photowalk! It was hot, humid and we were harassed my the law, but it was a blast! I stumbled on the picture of the little girl you were talking about in Hawaii. You were right, the lighting was amazing! Good job using your charming camera to get on Dads good graces =)

  2. alvin kim 1 September, 2008 at 03:10 Reply

    AHH! thats horrible! if i dropped my camera id cry.
    if she doesnt want those anymore, ill take em! ive always wanted to be able to dissect a DSLR and see whats inside. I’m 16 year old in high school wiht no money so i cant affordd to buy a junk one or to drop mine

  3. Christopher Murphy 29 August, 2008 at 14:19 Reply

    Hey Matt,
    First, thanks for letting me bug you at work and take photos of you and Dave when Reba and I stopped in to visit KW Media, Wednesday, August 6th. We really enjoyed taking you away from work for a few moments.

    I won my Kansas City, Missouri Photo Walk last Saturday. Now here is the problem. I ordered Scott’s book Monday to help with the orphanage in Kenya. Then Tuesday night I was told I won the book for the Photo Walk. Is there any way I could get your Layers book instead since I already ordered Scott’s book? If there is a better way to contact you about this please let me know.

    Everyone in Kansas City has a great time shooting on the Photo Walk. We had a rainy morning that cleared just as we started working and it turned out much better than it looked like it was going to at first.

    Thanks again for your kindness. You are a great teacher and you work for a great group of talented, creative people.

    Ever higher,
    Christopher T. Murphy

  4. Denise H 28 August, 2008 at 21:49 Reply

    I was at the PhotoWalk in Dunedin…. drove down from Mobile AL thru Fay to participate and had a great time! I really loved the perspectives I got from watching other photographers take pictures… things I didn’t even see at first… (and judging from the pictures from our walk.. things I never did see)…

    Can’t wait to do it again… (maybe without the Hurricane next time!) 🙂

  5. Tim Wilder 28 August, 2008 at 11:17 Reply

    Hey Matt,
    Had a FANTASTIC time on the Photowalk.The thing I like the most, is meeting all of the wonderful people that photography brings together. Photography is a great Hobby or Profession that can be enjoted by everyone. You don’t need the most expensive equipmant to get great results !
    Kudos to all of the Photowalk leaders. Great job !
    Tim Wilder
    Durant, Fl.

  6. MikeB aka BuffaloButte 27 August, 2008 at 00:52 Reply

    Thanks again Matt…enjoyed meeting with you and strolling with other like minded folks thru Hyde Park Saturday. Consider this my ‘advance sign-up’ for the next outing!

  7. Alessandro Rosa 26 August, 2008 at 20:32 Reply

    I am glad that we didn’t have that kind of luck when we were down in Tennessee; we probably would have been attacked by strutting Tom Turkeys or angry Black Bears!!!

    We had a great time in Chinatown, NYC, and no reports of damaged Nikonians…. 😉

  8. Cinnamon 26 August, 2008 at 18:34 Reply

    We here in Indianapolis, IN also had a blast. So glad this was put together. Can’t wait to go again.

    I would also like to put a big thank you out there to the Indianapolis Fire Station 7. They were kind enough to allow us in to the station and pulled out a truck and turned the lights on to let us capture some awesome images. All the members in our group are putting the images together in a book to give to the staion as a thank you.

    No run ins with security for us.

    Happy Walking!!!!

  9. Dennis 26 August, 2008 at 08:25 Reply

    Hey Matt,

    Glad to hear your Photowalk was a success! Sorry the lady broke her camera, that’s a bummer.

    We had a Blast at Denver(Golden) Colorado. We went to Golden because of the DNC being in Denver. It was a great idea by our team leader Timothy Tonge. We had everything from flowing rivers, farmers market, old church, historic buildings, bronze sculptures, college campus and etc. It was fantastic! The group got along so well, that we have decided to stay together and do a photowalk each month.

    Now I need to use your great tips to get all my photos posted!

    Thanks Matt for all you efforts and tips. I appreciate them!


  10. Allan Morris 25 August, 2008 at 20:56 Reply

    Thank you Matt for hosting the Hyde park walk, it was great and a pleasure to meet you, I’m looking forward to next years walk.
    I can’t believe that security guard was quite upset, I know she was only doing her job, there is that one person, somewhere in the world.
    Like you said, I am sure there is another story to top our incident, where someone got arrested.

    So far I have seen some great images.
    at least the weather held off long enough for the walk.

  11. Jan 25 August, 2008 at 18:33 Reply

    Good to hear you guys had a great time.

    I’m interested in your incident with the park security…

    Some one care to tell about it?

  12. joanne berry 25 August, 2008 at 18:23 Reply

    We had a great time in SF. Leader Ted took us thru a great variety of sites (even a boring one) winding up in a picturesque North Beach restaurant, “Calzone’s.” Fellow photogs were great companions and their shots look great. Thanks to everyone up the line!

  13. Luis Murillo 25 August, 2008 at 15:53 Reply

    I was the leader for the Costa Rica photowalk and it was amazing. Can’t wait to get another going.
    Sorry to hear about the broken D70 that has to hurt, in my group one of the members dropped her Canon camera but it was all good and nothing happened to it.

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