Here’a a great new video from longtime Lightroom team member Benjamin Warde – it’s a great little 60-second tip on some cool features kinda of hidden in the Metadata panel. Definitely worth checking out:

Pretty handy, right? Thanks, Benjamin!

It’s Dave’s Day on my blog
I don’t know if you’ve been catching Dave Williams’s Tuesday posts over on my daily blog at, but he’s been sharing some incredibly useful posts on building your brand online, including Instagram tips that are gold! Plus, Dave’s a pro travel photographer, drone dude, and generally all around just interesting bloggers, so if you haven’t been checking Dave’s work out – here’s your change (seeing as it’s Tuesday at all. Here’s the link).

Here’s wishing you a better than average Tuesday!



P.S. Just a little over two-weeks until my San Antonio Lightroom seminar, and then I’m off to Houston four days later on Monday, Feb 26th. Here’s the link. Hope you can join me there (it’s just $99 for the full day). 



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