Quick holiday Update:
You may have noticed that I’m not really doing…well…anything. It’s ’cause I’m still in holiday vacation mode (whoo hoo!). So, there’s no Grid episode today, still no blog posts, not putting much on Social at all (outside of a little Instagramming); basically just hanging out with the family while the kids are home from school; relaxing, and waiting for more football (#rolltide).
I’ll probably be back after a few more days – maybe like Jan. 3rd or so (I can only take so much time off, then I start to go bonkers doing nothing), but in the meantime, that’s my “I’m still in Christmas ‘lame out’ mode” update.
Hope your holiday season is treating you awesomely. 🙂
Zzzzzzzz, Inc.
Was waiting for your post from a long time. Well hope you enjoyed yo holiday well and will be feeling refreshed.
I was waiting for your blog post, but you are on holiday’s. Well, enjoy your holiday ! happy new year to all. Hope you will come on 3rd jan..We are waiting..
I hope you come back charged up and raring to post ! Maybe you can channel some energy from Dr. Gupta and Bang Brews ! 😉
I love that you don’t post much if anything during the holidays. I allows me to not get too far behind on my blogs since I don’t do much on a computer or anything when I’m trying to spend time with and focusing on my family. Even if I’m not on vacation and still working, I’m trying to get as much family time as possible and you not posting is awesome for that!
What lenses do you recommend for Ice hockey and Lacrosse? Shooting with a 7Dii.
Happy New Year.
Smart Man! Enjoy!
Ride that vacation like you stole it!!