
A Quick Update on What I Haven’t Been Up To ;-)

Sleigh With Gifts, Snow, Snowflakes, Text Relax

Quick holiday Update:
You may have noticed that I’m not really doing…well…anything. It’s ’cause I’m still in holiday vacation mode (whoo hoo!). So, there’s no Grid episode today, still no blog posts, not putting much on Social at all (outside of a little Instagramming); basically just hanging out with the family while the kids are home from school; relaxing, and waiting for more football (#rolltide).

I’ll probably be back after a few more days – maybe like Jan. 3rd or so (I can only take so much time off, then I start to go bonkers doing nothing), but in the meantime, that’s my “I’m still in Christmas ‘lame out’ mode” update. 

Hope your holiday season is treating you awesomely. 🙂


Zzzzzzzz, Inc.
