Lightroom Presets

Presets – Updated Camera Profiles

It’s time for another update to some presets I released a few months back. If you recall from a previous post, Lightroom 2.2 has included the new camera profiles by default. If you’re not sure what they are then make sure you watch this video. Now, if you went ahead and removed the old beta profiles then you’ll quickly find the presets I created for them back in the summer don’t work anymore. So I’ve updated them for both the Nikon and Canon profiles. There’s actually two downloads so make sure you download the one for your camera brand.

• Click here to download Nikon’s Camera Profiles.
• Click here to download Canon’s Camera Profiles.
• Click here to see a video on how to install presets.



  1. Herry 13 July, 2010 at 02:19 Reply

    Hi.. my biggest and biggest problem is that.. photo in the LCD camera IS NOT THE SAME after the photo is uploaded into the PC. The LCD always have good contrast, saturation, and good color balance. I shoot in JPEG.

  2. mee 3 June, 2010 at 19:01 Reply

    If anybody is still reading this, I don’t get how to install them so that they show in the Camera Calibration. Of course I can import them into the left pane as a user generated preset, but how to get them into the right pane to camera calibration?
    It is not explained in the video…

  3. Yazeed 17 May, 2010 at 01:51 Reply

    Hey Matt, as u’ve been always, the best lgihtroom instructor.

    There is a problem with the video link, seem its broken or missing something,


  4. Leon Roy 5 April, 2009 at 19:13 Reply

    Thanks for the sweet vid. Be a good idea to remove the references to installing the beta camera profiles now that they’re included in Lightroom 2.2 by default.

    Otherwise great work. Now I’ve just gotta go through undoing my custom User Presets and use the Camera Profiles instead!

  5. Tetanus 13 February, 2009 at 19:09 Reply

    Using these camera profiles, I get very severe banding in shadow areas.

    This is using the ‘Canon Faithful’ profile:

    Notice the posterizing in the shadow area. You may have to crane your neck and look down at your screen from a 45-degree angle.

    I’ve tried exporting the same image as both sRGB and Adobe RGB, but the results are the same. Then I tried resetting the camera calibration to Lightroom defaults.

    This is using the ‘Adobe Standard’ profile:

    The banding is gone.

    I’ve tried this with RAW files from both an EOS 5D and an EOS-1Ds MkIII. Am I the only one who is having this problem?

  6. Brett 8 January, 2009 at 18:53 Reply


    I’m impressed with the results but I may have made a mistake also. I used the link on the site and installed the DMG (I’m using a Mac) and ended up with both “beta 2” and non-beta versions of each of the profiles. I’m suspecting that I already had the Nikon profiles I needed for my camera. I wonder if I can get rid of the beta versions. Looking in applications for something to delete didn’t work. Is it as easy as deleting something within Lightroom 2 contents? Do I also need to delete something in the Photoshop content?

    Just in case anyone cares, I didn’t notice any obvious difference between the impact of the beta and non-beta profiles.


  7. Utsav 7 January, 2009 at 22:42 Reply

    Just installed your presets. They work well with my Canon 20D images. The preview functionality they provide is a real time saver. Many thanks for making them available.

  8. Yasir 29 December, 2008 at 13:58 Reply

    Thank you for the presets.

    I cannot seem to find already installed camera profiles that came with the software. I did not delete them manually either. Only option i see is Embedded in Camera Calibration. I have installed camera profiles application from Adobe labs website as well. Kindly help, Thank you!

  9. Andrzej 28 December, 2008 at 14:59 Reply

    @ ceppes

    You are welcome.

    @ Mike

    What are in the zip files are presets (.lrtemplate files). They are simulations of the picture styles (Canon terminology). The instructions are to install the presets kindly prepared Matt K.

    Camera profiles are .dcp files, and can be found in the Camera Raw folder, as Pamela mentioned.

  10. Mike 28 December, 2008 at 12:02 Reply

    Just purchased and installed Lightroom 2.2. I had previously installed LR 2.1 trial but uninstalled prior to installing LR 2.2. I have researched camera profiles across the web but am confused. With a RAW image (shot with a Canon 50D) selected, in the “Develop Module|Camera Calibration|Profile” I have the following options:
    ACR 4.6
    Adobe Standard
    Camera Faithful
    Camera Landscape
    Camera Neutral
    Camera Potrait
    Camera Standard

    Is this correct? Why do I have ACR 4.6? Is that somehow left over from the trial version? How do I tell if I have the latest and greatest camera profiles? I have run “check for updates” but get “Your software is up to date.” Where are the camera profiles located on a Vista machine?

    I am speaking specifically to the camera profiles and not the presets. I am confused as to Andrzej’s instructions above. Do these instructions apply to the camera profiles or the presets or both?

    Sorry if I am rehashing an item that has been discussed but after reading all the post above I am still confused!


  11. Joao Oliveira 27 December, 2008 at 16:31 Reply

    Thank you Antonio,

    I´ve tried google but i can´t find profiles for Konica-Minolta 5D.

    When i upgrade to Sony A700 this zip file will be very useful 😉

  12. Pamela 27 December, 2008 at 10:26 Reply

    Thank you for the clarification. I know to do this for other Develop Presets, but since the other profiles are listed under the Camera Calibration menu, that’s where I thought they should go.

    I had unzipped the file and stuck the folder in the CameraRaw/CameraProfiles folder with the other camera profiles but then couldn’t figure out why LR wasn’t seeing them.

    Much thanks!!! Pam

  13. Andrzej 27 December, 2008 at 08:37 Reply

    @ Allan & Pamela

    Assuming that you have unzipped the LR templates to a folder on your desktop, open the Develop module, and on the Presets panel, right-click (that’s for Windows; do whatever is the equivalent for the Mac) on the preset title ‘User Presets’.

    Next click on the ‘Import…’ command and navigate to the files that you have just extracted into the folder on the desktop. Select all the LRtemplate files, and click ‘Import’. The preset templates will now appear under ‘User Presets’ in LR2.

    Hope this helps.

  14. Sérgio 26 December, 2008 at 07:05 Reply

    I would like to make a suggestion (not specifically related to this post): sometimes is difficult to see where the mouse cursor is in the videos. It would be helpful if the option to show the pointer (Start>Control Panel>Mouse>Pointer Options>Show location of pointer when I press the CTRL key) was enabled, so the narrator could draw attention to specific areas of the screen while speaking.
    Great site, great tips!

  15. Allan Selig 25 December, 2008 at 12:59 Reply

    I updated to Lightroom 2, and then bought a new computer. Adobe downloaded Lightroom 2.2, but it did not hyave the Camera Profiles in it. I followed the instructions in your video and downloaded as instructed, but the Profiles did not install into Lightroom.
    Can you help?

  16. Andrzej 24 December, 2008 at 18:22 Reply

    @ ceppes

    Check if you are using jpegs or TIFFs. ‘Embedded’ appears when you access a rendered colour space, such as jpegs, or TIFFs

    Profiles will be available for RAW files, or DNG files created from the RAW image.

  17. ceppes 24 December, 2008 at 14:37 Reply

    Having Troubles,

    Downloaded lightroom 2.2 and NO camera profiles. I get only the word “embedded”

    Downloaded the new nikon profiles into presets and when I pass over them there is no change visually or in the histogram.

    All help would be very much appreciated.

  18. Louis-Philippe 24 December, 2008 at 06:43 Reply

    Hi Matt,
    this is definitly an offtopic question, but it’s been bugging me for a while now.
    Since a picture speaks a thousand words, here’s my problem:
    I get this every once in a while. Most of the time it’s only the preview image in the library module, but sometimes it also occurs in the develop module. It also affects exported images.
    Am I the only one getting this?

  19. Andrzej 24 December, 2008 at 04:59 Reply

    If want to have colour corrections for your own particular camera(s), and you have the Adobe DNG Profile Editor (Beta 2 free, at the moment, from Adobe Labs – you can make your own profiles.

    The editor works with DNG images. As the tool is a little bit more advanced there is tutorial on how to use the editor, here –

    It is even easier to use if you have a 24 cell colour correction chart, like the Munsell (aka X-rite, aka Getrag Macbeth) one. There is a tab in the DNG profile editor called ‘Chart’. Just follow the instructions and the tutorial.

    Now I have profiles that are colour corrected, for my camera, for daylight, flash, tungsten, and so on. I then use LR2 presets for the vivid, natural, landscape, portrait, etc. adjustments.

  20. Bob Ulius 23 December, 2008 at 18:43 Reply

    Matt, the betas had the Adobe Standard included if I recall. I use that a lot. Can you include that in this batch as well as I no longer have the betas installed nor the .lrtemplate for the Adobe calibrations.



  21. Pamela 23 December, 2008 at 18:11 Reply

    Hi Matt,
    I never installed the Beta profiles, but according your video they came with an installer. How does one install or import these newer profiles?


  22. Steve 23 December, 2008 at 15:12 Reply

    Matt, I removed all of the old camera profile presets(Nikon) installed your new ones, and they do not appear to work. They make no difference when I apply them. Help.


  23. Ozzie 23 December, 2008 at 14:36 Reply

    Hi Matt

    I’ve just downloaded the latest updates
    an are a little confused on where to install
    I have a folder in the Camera Profiles call Nikon D3 (camera I’m using)
    and inside all the profile names start with Nikon D3
    Are these the profiles I should replace or should I replace
    the profiles that are in a folder call D2X

    Thanks in advance

    Have a great Christmas

  24. mattk 23 December, 2008 at 12:10 Reply

    Two reasons.
    1) Now you can apply them on import since you can access your Develop presets in the import dialog
    2) It’s easier then going to the calibration panel and clicking on each one. Just hover over them in the Presets panel and you get a preview in the Navigator of what each one will look like. It’s kinda like my White Balance presets. Are they anything earth shattering? Nope – just the same ones in the White Balance list. However, they’re probably the most downloaded presets I’ve ever created since it let’s you preview them just by hovering over instead of clicking on each one in that basic panel just to find you don’t like it.

    Matt K

  25. Ted 23 December, 2008 at 12:02 Reply

    I’m not clear on why it is necessary to install these presets, now that camera profiles are included (in LR 2.2) in the Camera Calibration pane in the Develop module. Can someone enlighten me? Thanks.

  26. BH 23 December, 2008 at 11:55 Reply

    I continue to find that the Adobe Standard profile for my Canon 30D renders skin tones that are far too red, making the resulting files unusable without major adjustments to decrease the red and increase the yellow. CMYK analysis of the files confirms this; the magenta component in the skin tones exceed the yellow component (which it should never do under normal circumstances), and my subjects looked sunburned, cold, overly made up, or some combination of the three.

    I did notice that reds on objects look less orange (and perhaps more realistic), but if I have people in the shot, I plan to continue to use ACR 3.4 or ACR 4.4.

  27. Joao Oliveira 23 December, 2008 at 11:26 Reply

    Hi, from Portugal 🙂

    And Profiles for other brands ?

    The world is not only for Canon and Nikon 🙂

    Is there anything for Minolta/Sony ?


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