Lightroom Tips

Presets – Morning Glow

Hey there! I’ve got another summery preset for you today. First, don’t forget that I’ll be teaching a full-day Lightroom seminar in Chicago on July 20th and New York City on July 22nd. You can sign up over at I’d love to see ya there. OK, now on to the preset. I was experimenting with the Summer Haze preset I created a while back and came up with another one that looks similar but different enough to create a whole new preset. I’ve named it Morning Glow. Its got a very warm morning-ish glow feel to it and even has a soft-ish look as well (sorry for all the “ish” words).

What I found really cool-ish about it (sorry, that’s the last “ish” I promise) is that it looks it works great on different kinds of photos. I created it for portraits, but was pleasantly surprised when I tried it on a few landscapes too. Anyway, the download is below so have at it and let me know what you think. Thanks for stopping by.

• Click here to see a sample of the preset.
• Click here to download Matt’s Summer Haze Preset
• To Install the Presets just unzip them to your desktop. Then right click in your preset panel and choose Import and choose the file you unzipped. MAKE SURE YOU UNZIP THE PRESET ZIP FILE FIRST. DO NOT TRY TO IMPORT THE ZIP FILE AS THE PRESET.



  1. Jim 26 July, 2009 at 18:38 Reply

    I am having trouble importing these files. I get the following…

    “Error Importing “Matt’s Morning Glow.Irtemplate”.

    The template file was the wrong type of template.

    I have just discovered Lightroom and are attempting to download several of your templates and this is what is what is happening each time.

  2. Rachel O 23 July, 2009 at 13:49 Reply

    Steve L — YES! I’m having a hard time with this one too. I have never had issues before with ones from this website, though. And it isn’t just this preset. There are some others I’ve been trying to get imported to LR for weeks now. The issue (from what I can tell) is in LR when I go to the import menu (under Develop module/presets) and click the file I want, it says there is nothing there (even though it is clearly either on my desktop and has been extracted). I’m wondering if it has to do with the file type. I can’t change the option given. All I have is supported files (*.lrtemplate). Is this what it is supposed to say? Does anyone know why I can’t import them into LR? Please help!

  3. Sebastian 22 July, 2009 at 16:03 Reply

    Hey Matt,

    thanks for sharing your presets. That helps a lot.

    I just got a little question to a Lightroom Pro.. so here is my problem with Lightroom:
    every time I import my photos into lightroom and watch them in the Library-Module Lightroom is always adjusting the brightness of my photos, without me doing anything. Mostly it’s darkening the images.
    Can you help me solve this problem? I don’t want Lightroom to do anything to my photos until I’m working on the sliders. 😉

    Again, thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge.
    – Sebastian

  4. MoreThanWords 15 July, 2009 at 20:17 Reply

    Hi Matt,

    great preset, as always. I really hope LR 3 will give the ability to store presets into subfolders of folders, because my interface is getting a little cluttered.
    Also, I wanted to draw your attention to a video I made on how to make a 4 x 4 Photos Print template that includes text. It’s a great template for wedding & baby photographers and it’s a nice example of putting different Lightroom Modules to work together (I created the text in the Slideshow Module, of all things!)
    Anyway, here’s the link:
    Hope you’ll enjoy it.

  5. Justin 15 July, 2009 at 18:07 Reply


    I watched some of your before and after videos and loved the easy integration between lightroom and photoshop, the problem is, I’m having trouble getting it to work like you do! I choose to edit a photo as a smart object in photoshop CS3, choose to create a new smart layer via copy (in the layers menu), but when I go to use the clone stamp tool (the reason I’ve switched to Photoshop, for in depth cloning) it tells me that I can’t edit the smart layer without rasterizing it. So I do so, make my edits and click save, and while your machine automatically jumped back into lightroom with the new file, mine pops up the save menu, which I had to save the psd file and synchronize the folder with lightroom to import it.

    What am I doing wrong?

    Thanks for your help, my back’s against the wall to get these wedding photos done. Next time, I’ll just make sure that I don’t take every formal portrait with a flower arrangement directly behind the bride and groom so it looks like it’s growing out of their heads!


    Justin Morgan

  6. Steve L 15 July, 2009 at 12:24 Reply

    Hmmm….just wondering if anyone else is having problems downloading this one? I’ve never had a problem before (and I’ve downloaded all of the previous ones successfully!), so I’m confused.
    iMac computer.

  7. Jan Jílek 15 July, 2009 at 06:38 Reply

    Thanks a lot, very good preset. I just would like to ask you if there is a way how to “decrease the opacity” of the filter or reduce it any other way (I may not always want to have it so warm).

    Thanks, Jan.

  8. Dilip Barman 14 July, 2009 at 02:50 Reply

    Thanks, Matt. I look forward to trying it out. Frankly, I’ve rarely been very satisfied with warming effects I’ve tried, except for halftones. It could just be my aesthetic though. Another preset to add to my bag of tricks! Thank you.

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