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New Lightroom “Collaborative Proofing” Feature

It’s not a fully complete feature yet — it’s a “Technology Preview” so Adobe is still working on it, and still taking your feedback (in fact, they ask for it right on the proofing page, which I think is awesome).

If you need to send images to a client (or friend) as proofs you’ll find this really helpful (well, more so when it’s fully functional). Here’s a quick overview of the new “Collaborative Proofing” technology preview where it’s at right now in the development phase.

STEP ONE: You have to have synched a collection of images to Lightroom Mobile (Lightroom CC) to enable proofing, so that’s really your first step. Then in your Web Browser go to lightroom.adobe.com and log-in with your Adobe ID. Then look up in the top left corner of the screen and you’ll see a blue pop-up dialog asking if you want to enable Collaborative Proofing. Click on the LR icon. From the pop-up menu that appears, choose “Technology Previews.”

STEP TWO: This brings up the Technology Previews window (shown above). Turn on the checkbox for Collaborative Proofing and then click the Apply changes button (as seen here).

STEP THREE: Now, click on the collection you want to have available for collaborative proofing. Above your thumbnail grid you’ll see four tabs and the last one is the Proofing tab, so click on that tab to see the Collaborative Proofing options. Here you can turn on Collaborative Proofing, and then it gives you a link where you can share this collection with anyone you’d like to give feedback on these images. What I like is that they give you the option of limiting the number of total picks the people you sent this link to can make. That way, you can limit their picks to 5 or 10 or whatever number works for you. There’s nothing worse than sending a proof page with 120 shots, and your clients choose a 112 (Well, unless of course, you’re charging by the image).

STEP FOUR: If you click the clipboard icon next to the link, it copies the link to your clipboard. If you share that link with someone, to mark a photo as a selection, or to leave a comment on an image they will have to sign in with an Adobe logo (and it tells them that right on screen). Once logged in, they can see the images at a large size; click the round checkmark to mark an image as a “pick” and leave comments that come right back to you in the proofing window. There are navigation arrows at the bottom of the screen to lead the viewer through the images to proof.

STEP FIVE: Their selects and comments will appear in the proofing panel. Well, I believe that’s the plan anyway, but after clicking the refresh/sync button in the top right corner numerous times, none of the nine images selected by my test clients ever showed up.

UPDATE Friday 4:04 pm ET: It’s working now (see below). 🙂

If you click on the blue “Create Album” button, it takes the 9 images my test clients selected (two different people) and puts them in their own separate album, so you can see which ones they chose.

Give it a try yourself and see what you think. Here’s to a great Easter weekend, everybody! 🙂


P.S. Want to learn more about Lightroom in three days than you have in three years? Come join us at the Photoshop World Conference in Orlando, May 31st – June 2, 2019. It’s a Lightroom love-fest. Here’s the link with details.



  1. good lux 1 January, 2020 at 19:09 Reply

    So here it is, more than 6 months later, and this is still a “technology preview”. Having a way for your clients to select their favorite photos is such a basic need, that all of us photographers have had for years and years….probably since the beginning of digital photography. Why is adobe dragging their feet on this?

  2. Jules Nerestant 11 November, 2019 at 20:32 Reply

    Its november, I have repeatedly tried to use this bogus feature that is, by the way, ONLY available in the browser version (windows version of Lightroom CC has no proofing fonction within it) and the clients have always been able to select more images than previously limited will setting up collaborative proofing. Why is this even on the dance floor if its still wearing mud boots?

  3. Snow 6 August, 2019 at 13:58 Reply


    If a client click the round checkmark to mark an image as a “pick” and/or leave comments.

    Do we see this info back in Lightroom Classic ?

    Because today I was using the functionality of sharing a library.
    The person could Like and/or Comment the picture and then, I could review it in my Lightroom CC.

    • Scott Kelby 20 April, 2019 at 10:03 Reply

      I do not believe so. When you try this, and you click the “Yes” I’ll give Adobe feedback on this feature, that’s something you should suggest. I think a lot of people would like to see that there.

    • Brian W. 20 April, 2019 at 14:40 Reply

      I have not seen that feature either, and submitted that very thing as feedback. To me, if they add that feature this could be a grand slam for Adobe for the professional photographer. No need to send them to a third party site that has proofing features. As far as the proofs showing up on my end, they initially weren’t showing up. I closed my browser window then reopened it and they were there. My guess is relogging in re-synced everything. It probably isn’t updating in real time, which is fine with me because the chances someone is picking “live” is kind of slim for me anyhow.

  4. Brian W. 19 April, 2019 at 17:20 Reply

    I would 1000% LOVE this if I didn’t have to go through Lightroom “Lite” (CC) All my stuff is in Classic. Let me do all that in Classic (maybe I can and I don’t know it) and I’m totally on board.

      • Brian W. 20 April, 2019 at 14:42 Reply

        Thanks! It did indeed work from Classic… the whole Classic and CC thing is just one of Adobe’s things I will never understand. And I say if it is going to stick they should just call Classic “Lightroom Pro” Much like the Premiere lines on the video side.

    • Scott Kelby 19 April, 2019 at 14:58 Reply

      (1) You can limit the total number of picks a client can choose (this is bigger than it might sound). (2) You don’t have to go back to a small panel in Lightroom to see their picks — they’re all collected right where you shared them on LR Web. (3) You’re one click away from creating a collection of just their picks (4) You can easily take that collection of picks and resubmit them to have them narrow things down even more. (5) you get an automatic notification in your Lightroom mobile app letting you know if your client makes a selection or comment.

  5. Brian 19 April, 2019 at 14:07 Reply

    Looks like Adobe read your post – I’ve been playing with this feature for a couple of days with the same results as you, but this afternoon I went in and I can now see the photos that have been selected! 🙂 – Thanks Scott!

  6. marc labro 19 April, 2019 at 08:05 Reply

    hello Scott,
    Looking great.

    However, it is a pity that even with all adobe forum requests, Adobe doesn’t spend some time to improve some retouching features like luminosity masking, dynamic contrast, content aware eraser, local HSL, local sharpening with different parameters than global ones,…
    There are so many cases where we’d like t stay in LR instead of using ON1, Luminar,…

    For interface, a solo mode for LUT and presets to avoid scrolling hours all panels, a full screen grid view of presets and LUT to make choice easier,…

    best regards

    • Jeff Levine 19 April, 2019 at 10:51 Reply

      I feel the same way. I really wish LR had the masking brush functionality that ON1 has especially the ability to lock in a color with the CTRL key

      • marc labro 19 April, 2019 at 11:41 Reply

        I am fan of photoshop CC and lightroom CC but enjoy much more with plugins like NIK/DXO, Luminar+aurora, Topaz, ON1.
        I have tried several time to extend my adobe experience with LR mobile but without success. impossible to make a nice processing on iphone/ipad on the field, impossible to upload 100 daily raw to the cloud from any hotel,… so mobile is a nice concept but useless for me.
        The full resources of adobe are on mobile and nothing (or one feature each year) for improving retouching.
        My pictures are so well organized in foldders with date, meaningful folder name,… that i don’t need LR dam a lot, just few keywords in import. LR develop/Camera raw is really nice and straightforward; just need few weeks of adobe RD to improve it !!!

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