
New Course: My Top 25 Favorite Lightroom Tips

It just got released yesterday, and here’s one of the first comments on it:

“I started watching this class thinking, “I’m pretty good in Lightroom,” but by Lesson 3, I realized I still had a lot to learn. This class has reminded me that even when we think we’ve mastered a tool, there’s always something new to discover.”

Here’s the official trailer for the course (it’s short, check it out below):

I did the course as 25 separate lessons, so in the future, if you want to go back to any particular tip, you can go directly to it.

You can buy the course, download it, and watch it today for $29 (here’s the link), but if you’re a KelbyOne Member, you can just stream it on demand as part of your membership – you’ll see it on your dashboard as this week’s course (we release a new course every week).

I hope you can check it out (it would be a fun thing to do this weekend, since there’s no football. Well, no interesting football anyway).

On Tuesday, I’m off to Antarctica as one of the instructors on the Muench Workshops trip, and I’m super psyched. There’s a lot to do between now and then (and I better start charging my batteries, eh).




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