Adjustment BrushesFeatured

My Favorite New Lightroom Feature Got Lost In All The Noise


I know last week we were all focused on the New Import dialog and the initial bugs in the release, but in all that noise one of the best new features kind of got lost in the mix, and that the fact in this update they quietly added the much-loved “De-haze” feature to the Adjustment Brush (as so many folks asked for) so now you instead of just apply De-haze to the entire image, you can “paint dehaze” just in the areas you want it.

When you click on the Adjustment Brush, you’ll see the Dehaze slider appears between Clarity and Satuation (I circled it here it Red), plus there’s a Dehaze preset that, when you choose it, sets the Dehaze about to 25% and zeros all the other sliders out.

Anyway, right now I’m up in the New York City at the Photo Plus Expo, and I’ve talked to folks here who were so focused on what went wrong with that new Import workflow that it drowned out some of the great things this most recent update brought with it, so I wanted to mention it here because a lot of folks missed it.

While Adobe’s working on returning us to the previous importing workflow (and ironing out a few bugs that still need fixing I’m sure), I can tell you that overall there’s a lot of love for Lightroom up here at the Expo. In my Master Class on lighting yesterday morning, I did a show of hands for who is using Lightroom in the crowd and only two people weren’t already using it. Plus, as you walk the expo floor nearly everywhere you look you see Lightroom on the monitors and projectors being used for demos and presentations in booths and theaters and on-stage as photographers are teaching and I think that’s a pretty cool thing.

Anyway, make sure you check out Dehaze on a brush — I think it’s probably the most useful new features in the latest update.

It’s Football Time
I’m shooting some college football tomorrow (the Bucs are on the road this week). I’ll be shooting for the Tennessee Vols tomorrow as they take on the Alabama Crimson Tide  in Alabama’s Bryant-Denny stadium. The atmosphere is just electric at these games, so I can’t wait! (Plus, I’m trying out a Cam-Ranger rig for a remote camera shoot, and I’m not sure my idea is 100% solid, so this will either be really cool and helpful….or not. More after I try it and report back).

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend, and we’ll see ya back here on Monday. Have a good one!


P.S. I’ll be in San Francisco next Wednesday teaching my new Shoot Like a Pro: Part 2 (Reloaded) seminar. Hope you can come out and spend the day with me. 



  1. chris 7 November, 2015 at 13:06 Reply

    Love the de-haze for Milky Way photos, even more so now it’s available as a local adjustment. Must keep coming back here Scott. Awesome as always.

  2. Rose Kerin 5 November, 2015 at 17:21 Reply

    Ah the Dehaze Slider. Yes knew about that but didnt know you could use it with the Adjustment Brush. Awesome stuff Adobe!

  3. Rick DeNatale 27 October, 2015 at 12:24 Reply

    Hey Scott

    A bit off topic, but since this is about the latest Lightroom, I was wondering if you had any insight into Adobe fixing compatibility issues between LR CC and OS X El Capitan.

    I’ve been holding off on the OS update because of reports that LR is slow on El Capitan, but mostly because tethering of Nikons is broken.

    Not sure if the latter is an Adobe or Nikon problem, but I’d love an update.

  4. Rick DeNatale 27 October, 2015 at 12:24 Reply

    Hey Scott

    A bit off topic, but since this is about the latest Lightroom, I was wondering if you had any insight into Adobe fixing compatibility issues between LR CC and OS X El Capitan.

    I’ve been holding off on the OS update because of reports that LR is slow on El Capitan, but mostly because tethering of Nikons is broken.

    Not sure if the latter is an Adobe or Nikon problem, but I’d love an update.

    • Rudi 12 November, 2015 at 10:02 Reply

      If we already off topic: What’s also no longer working is the import preset you called import sauce. LR CC 6.2 is no longer able to set the auto adjustment via import preset. I guess Scott already found out and set Adobe on track 😉

  5. daniel de roeck 23 October, 2015 at 09:20 Reply

    Just want to ask you if Adobe has already a new version of ligtrhoom i.e. with the “old” version of the Library? Thanks for your answer !

  6. Clint 23 October, 2015 at 08:45 Reply

    Hey Scott,
    Cool you’ll be in my town of Tuscaloosa. I Have a great place for some good music this evening if you’re interested, 7 – 10 pm for us “old folks”. Shoot me an email if you’d like. Roll Tide !!

  7. Mark Casebeer 23 October, 2015 at 06:07 Reply

    Scott, this is a great new feature but I’m still really disappointed with Adobe. This is my first year on the CC plan and putting out a update that has many flaws just should not happen. I found a bug last night while trying to export some photos in the Print module. I’ve used this countless times and now when I hit export it looks like it’s exporting the photo as usual, when I go to the folder the photo is not there. If I do it twice then it works. Now thats a great workflow! Do everything twice. Adobe needs to do better.

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