FeaturedLightroom Classic

Moving Your Lightroom Photos To Another Hard Drive (without all hell breaking loose)

I heard another story again this past week about a guy who didn’t follow the THREE SIMPLE STEPS for moving his library of images from his Laptop to an external drive, and now all he has is broken links and missing image warnings. It’s a mess. Don’t let that happen to you — this is so easy – just three steps and I made a video for you below that shows the whole easy process step-by-step. Check it out:

Super easy, right? Absolutely! The whole key is to do the process all within Lightroom itself, so Lightroom knows you moved your photos and it also know exactly where they are.

The Photoshop World Conference kicks off at the end of this month

It’s going to be epic and you’re invited! Three days, three tracks, an incredible team of instructors, and it’s all online, so anybody anywhere can be a part of it. Tickets, the list of instructors and class schedule are right here.

Have a great Monday, everybody!




  1. Craig 12 August, 2021 at 09:32 Reply

    You have talked about moving files from one drive to another within Lightroom, however, let’s say I installed a new drive and want to copy the files to the new one, but want to keep them on the old one as well. How do you do that in Lightroom?

    • Rob Sylvan 13 August, 2021 at 16:31 Reply

      I would not do that in Lightroom Classic. I would use a product like SuperDuper (Mac) or ViceVersa Pro (Win) to clone the contents of the old drive to the new drive.

  2. Susan Scharenberg 9 August, 2021 at 08:14 Reply

    Good tip as always. But the reason I’m leaving a reply is I really like the three KelbyOne-yellow frames highlighting the three steps of the process. Excellent summary and visual emphasis!

  3. The Keeper of the Garden 9 August, 2021 at 04:23 Reply

    I’d really like an extensive explanation on how to re-install Lightroom Classic from scratch, including all user-made presets, preferences, plug-ins, everything… because I’m going to be forced to wipe my iMac’s internal drive (a Fusion Drive…) and re-install the OS and all software and data. My Lightroom Classic “eco-system” represents over 15 years of work and although i have two backups of my current system, I need a total clean install, not a restore from those backups. Don’t ask me why, it’s got to do with macOS Big Sur…

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