Lightroom Presets

Monday Presets – White Balance

I’m back from a long weekend off and I feel totally revitalized. It’s amazing what a few days off will do for ya’. This weeks’ presets hit me over the weekend. I photographed a good friend of mine, Derek, and his family (see the next post for more). As I was going through the photos, I kept experimenting with the white balance presets (cloudy, daylight, etc.) and it was getting to be a pain in the neck to go back and forth. I started thinking how great it would be if when I hovered over the white balance setting I could get a quick preview of what it would look like. That’s when this hit me. I created presets for each white balance setting. Since you can hover over a preset in the Develop module and get a preview of the effects in the Navigator panel above it worked perfectly. I’ve only been using them for a couple of days but I gotta tell you I’m happy I made them. Now they’re yours too for the taking. Enjoy ’em and make sure you scroll down for the next post for a little “behind the scenes” on my weekend shoot.

Click here to download Matt’s White Balance presets
Click here to see a video on how to install presets.



  1. Michael 1 January, 2009 at 06:55 Reply

    What about the two new styles released recently to improve skin tones…called P-Studio and P-Snapshot- i – can you add these as presets for us Matt?

  2. Frank Dearwester 14 April, 2008 at 15:30 Reply

    I installed the presets on a Windows XP SP2 machine and they work great. Thanks for sharing.

    “Ned Leary said, on November 26th, 2007 at 6:51 pm
    Matt, computer (windows xp) said “could not import, wrong type of preset”…dunno”

    The zip file needs to be extracted before importing the presets.

  3. Rusty 18 December, 2007 at 09:05 Reply

    I unziped my presets but am still getting the message “wrong type of file” when I try and install the presets. They say .lrtemplate

  4. Terry 1 December, 2007 at 00:39 Reply

    Hi Shawn

    Yes you were right, opened some of my Raw files and the other options were there, so thanks for that info.


  5. Cindi 30 November, 2007 at 14:06 Reply

    Hi Matt,
    Thanks so much for offering these presets – they rock! I love the first set (edge darkening) ones you put up, but they only seem to work on an uncropped photo. Even if I crop first and then apply the preset, the edge darkening is still only around the perimeter of the original photo. Any ideas? Thanks!

  6. Shawn M. Knox 29 November, 2007 at 13:14 Reply


    I know you addressed this to Matt but I believe the answer to your question regarding the WB setting in the Develope Module is an image file issue. If you are shooting JPEGs then the only options you will receive under the WB setting are As Shot, Auto & Custom. Since JPEG is not a RAW format you don’t get the extra option. If the image you shot was in RAW then you will have all of the options: Daylight, Shade, Cloudy, etc. since a RAW file retains more date than a JPEG so I don’t beleive it is a matter of turning something on or off. Instead, the WB settings are dictated by the file type you are working with.

    Best wishes,


  7. Mike 28 November, 2007 at 01:45 Reply


    Right click on any folder that is already there and select new folder and give it a name. Then you can drag the presets into it from other folders.

    Matt…. thanks for all the work on your presets.


  8. David 27 November, 2007 at 23:33 Reply

    thanks……keep up the great job!
    so is there & if so is there a way to orginize all of the presets( into folders…or something else)
    for example the all presets from you & or from someone else…
    or perhaps all presets that deal with B&W,or all that deal with saturated color….ect.

    I can see once you start getting a bunch of presets they will be hard to find


  9. Terry 27 November, 2007 at 22:32 Reply

    Hi Mat
    Have Installed your WB presets, thanks very much.
    I have a question, when I am in the Develop module and I click on the WB options all I get is As Shot, Auto and Custom which is the same as in the Library Module/Quick Develop, I don’t recall ever seeing the Daylight, Cloudy, Shade etc options, so have I got these turned of somewhere.
    At least I can use your presets, but just wondered where these options have gone.
    Thanks very much
    Canberra, Australia

  10. mattk 27 November, 2007 at 14:51 Reply

    Hi Ned,
    Thanks for verifying. You can’t actually get your ID plate to appear twice. The workaround for that is creating a graphic in Photoshop of what you want your image to look like. Then you can place it in as an ID plate in Lightroom and position it that way. It’s clunky but it’s the only way.

    Take care,
    Matt K

  11. Thom Dombrowski 27 November, 2007 at 14:39 Reply


    It works on xp, I just tested. Like Matt says, make sure you unzip 1st.
    Matt since you put the presets for Edge Darkening, Lens Vignetting is now one of my favs to play with.. Keep up the good work.. If I can, I did post on Napp and did not get a response from anyone yet. Perhaps you know a work around. In the print module, the 2-up greeting card. How do you get your identity plate on the back of both photos.. can only get on one.. I know this is not the proper place to ask, but I am at a loss.

  12. mattk 27 November, 2007 at 12:07 Reply

    Hey folks.

    Ned – Not sure. I’ve tested on both Mac and Windows into the Develop module and it worked fine. Make sure you unzip the Zip file first.

    Dave – Oh well, I guess it was bound to happen at some point.

    Brui – The presets won’t work in Camera Raw. I think you should write a program to do the conversion though. I’ll post it here if you do 😉

    Chuck – Make sure you download the latest version of Apple’s free Quicktime player or do what Michael said.

  13. Michael H 27 November, 2007 at 11:47 Reply

    Chuck, get VLC player (just type VLC in google) it plays any and every type of video, including quicktime/m4p/mv4.

    Good luck.

  14. chuck 27 November, 2007 at 10:42 Reply

    Just loaded lightroom and found your site. Very helpful. However, I am using vista and cannot get the m4p or mv4 vidoes to play. can get audio, but no video. Suggestions.

  15. Brui 27 November, 2007 at 04:56 Reply

    Hi Matt, is there any way to import Lightroom Presets into Camera Raw? Looking through the files on binary level it seems they have NEARLY the same structure, only the one format uses XML for hierarchic structuring, and the other something like a nested array.

    In other words it should theoretically be easy to convert them…

  16. dave 27 November, 2007 at 00:55 Reply

    Thanks, but it’s not a new idea. White balance presets have been available for months as part of the free package from onOne software.

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