FeaturedLightroom ClassicTethering

Live Demo of Lightroom’s Updated Tethering Feature

Terry White did an awesome live stream, which includes a live demo of how much better, faster, and more stable the new tethering features are in Lightroom Classic. Really worth checking out:

Awesome, right? Thanks Terry! 🙂

Just a few spots left for my June Travel Photography Workshop in Paris
Hope you can join me for this epic experience in beautiful Paris, France. Go to ScottKelbyWorkshops.com for details and to grab one of the last spots (the workshop is limited to 12-people total).

Have a great week everybody!




  1. Michael Hurter 4 March, 2019 at 05:32 Reply

    Hello Terry
    great video, thanks a lot.
    Maybe you can help me: I m shooting with a D850 as well, however, my LR classic 8.2. does not recognise my camera when I start the thethering feature.
    Question: is there any specific setup of the camera needed?
    Best regards

    • Rob Sylvan 4 March, 2019 at 08:54 Reply

      Have you tried using a different cable or a different USB port? I’d also try changing out the memory card in camera (and format it for good measure). Make sure no other program is trying to connect to the camera, and at the risk of stating the obvious, make sure the camera is turned on. 🙂

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