
Lightroom Worth-a-click

Happy Friday folks! Here’s a few links and sites to check out if you get a chance.

• My Lightroom 3 Crash Course iPad app is out. This app is a short, get-started-quick video course for Lightroom. It doesn’t go over everything (like my Kelby Training Lightroom In Depth series does). It just covers the basics you need to get up and running without spending 6 hours watching training. Here’s the link if you want to check it out.

• It seems everyone loves presets. “The Hangover” preset I created earlier in the week was a big hit. If you’re into presets, check out the ones over at There’s definitely some great looking presets there.

• Adobe has a new article on Optimizing Performance in Lightroom.

• Nik Software just released their own iPad photo app, Snapseed. In all honesty, I just downloaded it. But I’m lovin’ it so far. And from the looks of the reviews on the iTunes store, so is everyone else.

• The Turning Gate has released TTG Cart CE, its new shopping cart system for Adobe Lightroom.

• Alien Skin Software announced Snap Art 3, the new version of their artistic natural media plug-in for Photoshop and Lightroom (notice the use of “for” not “in” 😉 )

That’s it for this week. Have a great weekend!
