FeaturedPhotoshop World

The Lightroom Training Track at the Photoshop World Conference 2017 in Orlando

Registration for the 2017 Photoshop World Conference in Orlando (April 20-22, 2017) is in full swing, but but what I wanted to highlight is the fact that we have an entire Lightroom Training Track that runs the entire three days of the conference (in short: you can come to Photoshop World and immerse yourself in nothing but Lightroom learning the whole time).


Of course we’ve got lots of cool new things, too; new instructors, new workshops, fun networking events, cool parties, and a whole lot more!  Plus, you’ll be learning from the best in the business in our Lightroom Track – people like Serge Ramelli, Matt Kloskowski, Terry White, and Rob Sylvan, among others.

You can register right now at PhotoshopWorld.com and save $100 by taking advantage of the Early Bird discount (to get this discount, you must register before March 17th, 2017). Also, if you’re a KelbyOne member, you can save another $100 off the full conference pricing.

I hope you can join us there this spring in Orlando. It’s going to be (wait for it…wait for it…) epic! (you knew that was coming).

Hope you have a great Thursday. 🙂



P.S. There is NO Vegas Photoshop World this year — this is the only Photoshop World Conference for 2017, so don’t be left out — get your tickets today!


1 comment

  1. Gargee Vora 24 February, 2017 at 01:26 Reply

    Hello Scott Kelby,

    I am interested in your photo workshop. before some time I will attain some photo related workshop. some point is doubt in my mind I solve this point to attain your workshop and thanx to share information.

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