
Lightroom Magazine Issue #6 Update

Quick Lightroom Magazine update: Just wanted to let you know that Issue #6 of Lightroom Magazine has gone to the virtual “press” (the App store) 🙂 I just got a look at the final layouts today, and approved it to submit to the store. First off, it looks great. Our editorial and design team continually set the bar higher and higher for each issue. Now…from this point it could take a few days, or a few weeks, so I’ll keep you posted. Below is a screen grab of the cover and table of contents though, so you can get a look at what’s coming.

Also, if you haven’t seen the magazine yet, we do have a free issue on the App store so make sure you stop in and download it.

(click to see them larger)




  1. Gregory 4 September, 2013 at 22:54 Reply

    Issue 6 was a great issue and I keep trying to download issue 7 now that it is out, but the server keeps timing out. I really want to read the article on 8/16/32 bit, but for now I cant read the magazine at all. Hopefully they will fix it soon.

  2. Frans Hoynck 15 July, 2013 at 00:05 Reply

    A week now, since your message that no. 6 went to the virtual printer. What is taking them so long, did they ran out of ink?

    Fine magazine by the way, I bought all the previous issues!
    Best wishes from NL

    • mattk 15 July, 2013 at 10:36 Reply

      We sent it in to the App store. After that we’re at their mercy as to how long it takes. Could be a few weeks.

      • Mark 15 July, 2013 at 15:28 Reply

        Temptation Matt! – as John says above such a terrific magazine… Waiting with bated breadth for issue #6.

        Keep up the good work.

      • Frans Hoynck 16 July, 2013 at 02:06 Reply

        Apple’s App Store takes 30 % of your sales I suppose, but they do not deliver good service. There should be more competition in this iPad app market.
        And apart from the iPad market, I also would like Lightroom Magazine available on Android, Windows 8, Mac and PC.

  3. Andy Boreham 9 July, 2013 at 07:23 Reply

    Just a point, that the free version doesn’t want to download to my iPad. I’ve tried several times in the past, though not in the last few weeks.

    It would be great if you could check this out please!

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