
I’m Giving Away Five Copies of My New Photoshop CC Book (and here’s a handy LR shortcut, too!)

Hi gang – and happy Thursday! My new “Photoshop CC Book for Digital Photographers” is on-press and it will be shipping shortly (you can actually pre-order it right now from Amazon and be among the first to receive it). To celebrate the launch of the new book, I thought I’d give away FIVE free copies to some folks here on Lightroom Killer Tips. But first, watch my official book trailer above (it’s only like 55-seconds):

Just leave a comment here and you’re entered for the giveaway. We’ll pick a winner tomorrow (this is open to anyone, anywhere in the world. Note: it is the English-language version, but if you’re reading this blog, I’m guessing reading English is probably not a problem). 😉

Here’s the link if you want to ensure you’ll get a copy by preordering it from Amazon. It will be available in Print and eBook formats.

OK, how about a Lightroom keyboard shortcut?
Sure! Here’s one of my favorites, and I use it literally every day: Shift-Tab. That simple shortcut hides all the top, bottom and side panels and just shows your image on screen, uncluttered on a gray background, without going all the way in to “full screen” mode. To get your panels back; press Shift-Tab again. Easy peasy! 🙂

Hope you have a great Thursday, and I hope to see you back here tomorrow.





  1. John Pavalasky 6 December, 2016 at 03:12 Reply

    The first of your books I bought and used was “Classic Photoshop Effects” First Edition 2004. I think an update of that classic would sell great in 2017. How about it? I know I would buy it!!!

  2. William Kriel 5 December, 2016 at 06:26 Reply

    I’ve been using Scott Kelby’s books on both CC and LR for years and they have helped me improve my work and work flow.

  3. laurie pohl 4 December, 2016 at 09:47 Reply

    Need this! I’m a LR pro, but Photoshop is a scary mystery, especially the newer versions. Thanks, and have a great book launch!

  4. Dee 3 December, 2016 at 14:22 Reply

    I see I’m a day late but I’ll still add a comment of support, Kelby books and videos are the best! I’ll just add this one to my Christmas list!

  5. Sean Donohoe 3 December, 2016 at 03:26 Reply

    Trailer looks great and I Would love one of these Please Scott. Am a subscriber to many of your other media outlets and try to keep up with the book publications. This would be a great addition to them. Just in time for Christmas,
    Merry Christmas all

  6. Teri Yearkey 2 December, 2016 at 20:52 Reply

    Hi Scott! I’m mostly self taught so I need all the help I can get! Thanks for being so generous!
    Merry Christmas to you & your family!

    • Kathy 2 December, 2016 at 20:38 Reply

      I’ve had Photoshop on my computer for about 2 years now and have never used it because I don’t know that much about it. Been looking for a book that will simplify things for me… lol

  7. Jan Martell 2 December, 2016 at 19:27 Reply

    Thanks Scott, I would love to get this new version, mine is older and this would be a great addition to my Kelby Kollection!

    • Andrew Barber 2 December, 2016 at 18:40 Reply

      Thanks Scott for the great years of inspiration and knowledge. This book will help me keep up with the latest in Photoshop CC.

  8. Kent McPherson 2 December, 2016 at 18:05 Reply

    Hey Scott, love your books but for those of us who have purchased multiple editions of this book over the years, it would be a great loyalty bonus to offer a discount to your previous customers. Just a thought.

  9. Sherry Mattingly 2 December, 2016 at 17:27 Reply

    Thank you Scott for all your years of teaching, I’ve learned so much. I’ll have it either way, free and signed would be preferred, however I’ll get a copy at some point!


  10. stephen kronwith 2 December, 2016 at 16:13 Reply

    Have previous version of book, but you’re right, lots have changed. Try to keep up with but a book to look at would be nice.

    • LM Greene 2 December, 2016 at 15:05 Reply

      Scott Kelby! Been following you for years. Love your style of training and humor. There is always something to learn from your expertise 🙂

  11. Ona G. 2 December, 2016 at 14:34 Reply

    It would be so wonderful to score a free copy of your book, I’m trying so hard to learn and this would be a huge help.

  12. Oleg & Nina 2 December, 2016 at 14:14 Reply

    Hi Scott,
    Perhaps it is too late to write, but we are an optimists. We are waiting for the miracle of this book. Let us learn to do the people and the world more fabulous and beautiful. We respect what you’re doing.
    : )

    • Liza Ben Vaughn 2 December, 2016 at 13:55 Reply

      Thanks for all the work on your new book—hope I WIN a copy!! I’ve learned so much from you ad your gang-my photos
      have improved immensely since becoming a Scot Kelby member and follower. THANKS

  13. Karen Spearrin 2 December, 2016 at 13:13 Reply

    I want this book so badly! It’s the only one I don’t have yet! I have the rest of the collection and this one is on my list, would be so thrilled to WIN this! Thank you for this wonderful opportunity

  14. Susan Budge 2 December, 2016 at 12:50 Reply

    Most of what I have learned has been from Scott’s books and tutorials…thank you Scott. I was glad to get to thank you in person in Birmingham UK this year. You have contributed so much to educating us all in Photoshop and lightroom etc. No…I’m not creeping 🙂

  15. Neil 2 December, 2016 at 11:55 Reply

    Scott, A generous offer… although I’m sure you could make it 10 copies and bring double the delight to us disciples 😉 Fingers crossed!

  16. Justin 2 December, 2016 at 11:33 Reply

    You’re an inspiration, brother. I just switched from film to digital and you’re helping me with this transition. Would love the updated copy. Thank you kindly for creating and sharing.

  17. Roger Hamblok 2 December, 2016 at 10:51 Reply

    I love your webcasts and especially the one with Kaylee Greer, from Dog Breath Photography! Brilliant explanation and tips. YES I WOULD LIKE TO WIN THE PHOTOSHOP BOOK you have written. Because I am working with LR already a few years I have not done much with Photoshop and I think the book will enlarge my knowledge a great deal. Greetings from Belgium (Europe).

  18. Jill Menezes 2 December, 2016 at 10:21 Reply

    I look forward to using the Photoshop book! I have the LR one and this would be a great addition to our library.

  19. Raul Ruiz 2 December, 2016 at 10:20 Reply

    Scott’s Professional Portrait Retouching book has been my “go to” quick reference for my image edits and depend on in for success. I need an update so I can better use the cool Adobe CC features and would love to get this book from Scott.

  20. Graham Button 2 December, 2016 at 10:17 Reply

    I have never stopped learning with Scotts books they have led and inspired me onto better photography. Never too old to learn new techniques and tricks.

  21. Steve Gibson 2 December, 2016 at 10:04 Reply

    I own a few Kelby books and they are consistently open on my desk. The quality of the books is excellent and the content is professional at every level. Would love to add this one to my collection!

    • Coleen Kreikemeier 2 December, 2016 at 10:17 Reply

      I love your books! I am constantly using a Lightroom book by you because your format is so easy to follow and understand. I would love to add this book to my collection and be able to start using Photoshop instead of just opening it on my computer and staring at it! Thanks for offering the contest!

  22. Raviteja Karanam 2 December, 2016 at 09:47 Reply

    Hope I’ll be lucky enough to get a copy of book written by one of the most famous photographers around the world

  23. fergal 2 December, 2016 at 09:41 Reply

    Dear “Santa” Kelby,

    I would love a copy of “Photoshop CC Book for Digital Photographers” for XMAS.

    Thank you,

    (aged 45!)

  24. Robert Smith 2 December, 2016 at 09:33 Reply

    Hi Scott, love reading your book and watching your videos.

    Thanks very much for your generosity with your giveaways, but I ask you please not to forget about your Australian fans, we too would like the chance to win a copy of your Photoshop CC Book, it would be a great Christmas present for one of your Australian fans.

  25. Selah Park 2 December, 2016 at 09:07 Reply

    Thanks for doing this!!!
    I appreciate all your posts ^_^
    It would be amazing to receive your free book and learn some new tips!! Thanks!!! Hehe!

  26. Mirta Valencia 2 December, 2016 at 08:48 Reply

    I can’t wait to get a copy of your new book (either through winning this giveaway or sending my hard-earned money to you). Either way I’m sure it will be awesome.

  27. Don Reynolds 2 December, 2016 at 08:11 Reply

    Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of your new book. Appreciate all you and the folks at KelbyOne do for us photographers.

    Love my KelbyOne membership and love The Grid.

  28. Joseph Walters 2 December, 2016 at 07:58 Reply

    Scott please consider me for the book drawing. I have loved and learned from all the books of yours that i have read.

  29. Joseph Walters 2 December, 2016 at 07:56 Reply

    Hi Scott, I have loved and learned much from your books and it will be great if I get to have the new book free!

  30. Jeremy Voldrich 2 December, 2016 at 07:43 Reply

    The last version of this book I have is CS5, but I’m working with Photoshop CC2017. Perhaps it’s time to upgrade books! I’d love a shot to do it free since you are offering. 🙂

  31. Cindy Starkey 2 December, 2016 at 07:36 Reply

    Scott, I could learn so many things from this book! I would consider it a blessing if I owned a copy. Hope you have a Merry Christmas! And thank you for everything you have done for the photography world!

  32. Hugh Williams 2 December, 2016 at 07:25 Reply

    Have bought previous books but this would be more than useful as I have just subscribed to

    • Dimitris 2 December, 2016 at 04:50 Reply

      I have a few of your books.
      Excellent UNDERSTANDABLE language for all to comprehend.
      If not won, it will be bought as soon as it reaches Greece.

    • Jesse Davis 2 December, 2016 at 04:17 Reply

      Congrats Scott! I have your latest LR book, would love to add this to my collection! Merry Christmas from North Pole, Alaska and best wishes for a safe and prosperous New Year!

  33. Catherine Smith 2 December, 2016 at 03:53 Reply

    I have one of your early LR book which was great back then, and was the first “text book” to make me laugh out loud. Love and appreciate your tips. Thanks goodness you gave tips for saving actions before I upgraded recently!

  34. Olivier MULLIE 2 December, 2016 at 03:44 Reply

    Hi ! Nice job here, i was very happy to see your work in Paris…
    New Photoshop CC = The Book !
    Cheers from France…

  35. Sandra 2 December, 2016 at 03:37 Reply

    Gidday from Australia Scott! I love your books, I was notorious for never reading instruction manuals, text books etc., but I tried one of your books and got hooked, I now have 7 of your books and it looks like I’ll be adding another- free or not I’ll be picking this one up. I just love how they are fun and easy to read – even though they aren’t written in Australian I manage to follow 🙂

  36. Matt Clough 2 December, 2016 at 03:27 Reply

    Hey Scott

    Never been lucky enough to receive anything for free before…so it would be cool to be chosen here! Keep up the great work!!!

    • Amir Tavakoli 2 December, 2016 at 03:24 Reply

      I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. I love your books and have all of them. Is an electronic version of this book on the way?

  37. Alf M. Ellingsen 2 December, 2016 at 02:47 Reply

    Really high on my which list. I bought the last one too, but the binding was not strong enough to cope with a heavy book like this.It was only meant to look good in the bookshelf. I spent quite some money on a new wiro binding to make it a book for use. Hope the new book is much better. I love the books from Kelby.

  38. David Price 2 December, 2016 at 02:42 Reply

    Thanks Scott for all you do helping all photographers be better. This book will open doors for thousands more.

  39. Frank Rodrick 2 December, 2016 at 02:03 Reply

    Congrats on finishing another book! Now I have a new project for you: write a book on photography for beginners. Kinda like your handbooks but with less flash and more composition and theory slipped in with that painless technique you have. And do it fast! I’m scheduled to show a 13-year-old how to use her new Rebel T6 she’s getting for Christmas and even my eyes glaze over when I think how I’m going to explain stuff.

  40. Terry Blair 2 December, 2016 at 01:46 Reply

    Thank you for taking the time to write another book sharing your knowledge and “how-to’s” of post processing using Photoshop!

  41. Kevin Hoselton 2 December, 2016 at 01:45 Reply

    I am looking forward to the next series of fine, helpful tips to help me take my photography to the next level!

  42. BIJOY PATHAK 2 December, 2016 at 01:15 Reply

    Oh Yes..! I have never had the chance to read any of your books. I do follow your tips that i get from youtube and other websites. A BOOK ON PHOTOSHOP CC WOULD BE REALLY GREAT. I have been learning photoshop for around two years now and managed to learn its tools and some sleek and neat techniques. Thanks to you…. SO YESSSSS, YOUR NEW BOOK WOULD REALLY HELP ME TO ADVANCE AND TAKE MY PHOTOSHOP KNOWLWDGE TO A NEW LEVEL.

  43. Kolawole Olaniyi 2 December, 2016 at 01:07 Reply

    I guess a copy should come to Africa. Am representing Africa. You are the best Scott. Can’t wait to have a copy….thanks

  44. Carol 2 December, 2016 at 00:47 Reply

    Are you picking the winners at random or by what the comment says? If I have to be witty and pithy, I’ll lose again…

  45. Leslie Gauvin 2 December, 2016 at 00:20 Reply

    I enjoy your classes very much Mr. Kelby. I’d love to get out of my educational slump over the upcoming Michigan winter with a great book to follow while I edit. Thanks for all you do!

  46. Brett Despain 2 December, 2016 at 00:17 Reply

    Hi Scott! I have just about every other book you’ve written, it would be really great to get this one as a gift. Even if I don’t win, Merry Christmas to you and your family! 🙂

  47. SUTANTO HARSONO 1 December, 2016 at 23:59 Reply

    Greetings from Indonesia.
    I have been waiting for this book, since, as you said, there are many new features in CC that we need to learn.
    Hope and pray I would be one of the lucky ones….

  48. Jared Campbell 1 December, 2016 at 23:41 Reply

    Hello Kelby One team, I leaving this comment here to hopefully win that sweet sweet book of Scott’s.


  49. Susan Tangeman 1 December, 2016 at 23:21 Reply

    Sounds like the perfect book for me. I recently purchased Creative cloud and this would give me a great start.

  50. Glenda 1 December, 2016 at 23:15 Reply

    I learned Lightroom thru you and would this book to learn Photoshop. Your books are great! I have recommended them to so many people!

  51. David Collison 1 December, 2016 at 23:01 Reply

    Would love to grab a copy of this book – I’m transitioning from sports photography. Friends have asked me to start taking portraits, modeling shots, senior photos and weddings. It is a totally different experience and requires a different skill set within lightroom and photoshop. I look forward to learning from the material in the book and continuing to grow as a photographer.

  52. Claudia Cooper 1 December, 2016 at 22:57 Reply

    I’ve been to a few of your classes and come away inspired and invigorated each time. I also have one of your books. I could use some serious help with Photoshop and have no doubt this book would advance my Photoshop skills!

  53. David Wilkinson 1 December, 2016 at 22:51 Reply

    The only thing better than a new Scott Kelby book is a free new Scott Kelby book. Would that make it Scott free?

  54. Thomas Hucksoll 1 December, 2016 at 22:46 Reply

    My book is now outdated. would love a new copy to go with my other kelby digital books haha

    good work as always Scott.

  55. david settergren 1 December, 2016 at 22:31 Reply

    I usually buy e-book copies..But your books are best used in the hands, and able to thumb through to find the problem areas quickly.

    Good Luck with the new book

    david s

  56. Michael Wesolowski 1 December, 2016 at 22:26 Reply

    [Raising right hand] I promise to shoot only RAW images from my Nikon if I am a lucky winner of the book!

  57. Chris 1 December, 2016 at 22:22 Reply

    Scott – Big fan of your courses and books. Still using your CS5 and Lightroom 5 books as reference. Looking forward to learning with these new updated version to take my post processing to another level.

  58. Rebecca Joannou 1 December, 2016 at 22:20 Reply

    Hi Scott, I have purchased many of your books because they are so reliable and user friendly (“Adobe Photoshop CS5″ book,”Professional portrait retouching techniques”, “Light it. Shoot it. Retouch it” and “The Digital Photography Books 1-4”) You just make Photoshop MAKE sense to me and I always get so much out of your editing tricks, advice and workflow ideas and shooting/lighting tips. I would totally love to get a copy of your new Photoshop CC book! All the best from Australia and Happy Christmas.

    • TJ Hemingway 1 December, 2016 at 22:30 Reply

      I recently attended the “How to Shoot Like a Pro Reloaded” seminar and finally decided to give Lightroom a try. Now that I have had som time to dabble, I am totally obsessed! It has completely changed the way I touch up photos! This book would certainly help further that learning curve! Thanks for your training… I retain so much more form your seminars than from others I have attended. Keep them coming!

  59. Jim Laird 1 December, 2016 at 22:08 Reply

    I use a digital camera, but I’m pretty sure I’m an analog photographer. Still, I’d enjoy reading your book for digital photographers.

  60. James Fishman 1 December, 2016 at 21:57 Reply

    I have been enjoying the Kelbyone videos as I transition from solely a Lightroom user to Photoshop. Good luck with the new publication and a new year of photography.

  61. Hari Dedy Wijanarko 1 December, 2016 at 21:47 Reply

    Wow! it’s free Scott!?….gratis tis tis!?
    Love it…love it…yeach!

    Cheers from a Warm Country.

  62. Rita Odle 1 December, 2016 at 21:30 Reply

    Scott, winning a copy of your new Photoshop CC book would be the gift that keeps on giving, and I would certainly love being one of the recipients! Also keep all those Lightroom Killer Tips coming! Thanks! Merry Christmas!

  63. Jeff Ross 1 December, 2016 at 21:22 Reply


    This looks like a great resource and I would appreciate being entered into the drawing. Is this an A-Z book where everything is covered for those who are new to PS?

  64. Jaci Worth 1 December, 2016 at 21:02 Reply

    I would love to have the newest Scott Kelby book. I want to learn more about how to make my photos look awesome!

  65. Tom Wickstrom 1 December, 2016 at 20:58 Reply

    KelbyOne (and your books) have enabled me to go where I wouldn’t have thought possible a couple of years ago.

    Keep up the good work!!

  66. Clifton Thompson 1 December, 2016 at 20:55 Reply

    I have learned so much from you over the years that I will definitely pick up a copy of this book. Hopefully you will pick me for a free one before I purchase it for myself! Cheers!

    • John League 1 December, 2016 at 20:56 Reply

      Looking forward to to book. Scott always does a great job articulating the complex tasks into steps that are easily understood.

  67. Kathy Pantling 1 December, 2016 at 20:14 Reply

    Hey it’s taken me an hour to scroll to the bottom of the comments that’s got to be worth a chance 🙂 my sister in law asked for some ideas for a birthday present for her son who had a new 80D so I suggested some of your books, he loves them. Me too love the Kelby One training too but need ps help big time. I do pet PHOTOGRAPHY and would love more creative ways to post process my images. Have an awesome Christmas x

  68. Mitch Kloorfain 1 December, 2016 at 20:04 Reply

    I always love that as much as I can figure out on my own and through the KelbyOne videos and classes that there is always an easter egg tidbit that escaped me that I get to apply to my real world situations. Thanks for sharing your 50% gray card of brain matter with the world.

  69. Larry Grace 1 December, 2016 at 20:03 Reply

    Congrats on the new book Scott, This book will be a good follow up to brush up on photoshop skills and refresher for your current tour /class: Shoot Like a Pro: Reloaded!

  70. Andy Cooper 1 December, 2016 at 19:49 Reply

    You see, I’m so hideously traumatised, I can’t help but enter twice. Sorry about that – I thought my browser had crashed.

  71. Andy Cooper 1 December, 2016 at 19:46 Reply

    Hello Mr Kelby. I’ve had a miserable existence to date, what with having to work 24 hours per day for four-pence every six years at t’mill only to have t’father kill me every day by slicing me in half with a bread knife on my return; being selected for a book would make my suffering slightly more tolerable as I contemplate my hideous existence. Thanks.

  72. Crystal m. 1 December, 2016 at 19:42 Reply

    Yay 2 min later after scrolling to comment I am here : )
    I would love this so very much. I have been in a photography slump. This would help reduce spark my love for photography again!

  73. Andy Cooper 1 December, 2016 at 19:41 Reply

    Would you consider me? I’ve had a tough life; when growing up we only had a handful of freezing cold gravel to eat, worked 24 hours a day four-pence every six years down mill and our father used to cut us in half when we got home with a bread knife. So this book would make my miserable existance slightly more than intolerable. Thanks.

  74. Tom Kald 1 December, 2016 at 19:24 Reply

    Pick me! Pick me! Thanks for doing what you do, so wannabe photogs like me can pick up crumbs of knowledge along the way 🙂

  75. Mandy Smith 1 December, 2016 at 19:17 Reply

    Would love to own a copy. But congratulations to the person who wins them as I am the most unlucky person there is 🙂

  76. Karen 1 December, 2016 at 19:10 Reply

    Your tell it like it is way of explaining in your books is awesome and SO easy to follow.
    It’s like your over my shoulder talking to me!!
    This novice ‘ want to absorb everything’ gal in northern Wisconsin is hooked on your style!

    Holy moley there’s lots of comments!

  77. Kirsty McLeod 1 December, 2016 at 19:08 Reply

    AAAGH!!!! I’ve just had to scroll through nearly 1,700 comments to get to the comments box…. I DESERVE this book!!
    (Have two of your Lightroom books, and an older PS book – love them!)

  78. Patricia Wilson 1 December, 2016 at 19:01 Reply

    Thank you for all that you do! I would love to win a copy of your new book! It would sure help this little old lady who is struggling to keep up with technology.

  79. Todd Wiley 1 December, 2016 at 18:46 Reply

    Awesome! Your books are always great to have around. Keep up the good work. Don’t know what we’d do without you.

  80. Christina 1 December, 2016 at 18:23 Reply

    Getting a copy of the book would be great, It would be very nice Christmas gift for me 🙂 I love your classes. I have few of your DVD classes. You are great photographer, retoucher and teacher . It would make me very happy 🙂

  81. Marla Devitt 1 December, 2016 at 18:15 Reply

    Scott I need all the help I can get to learn Photoshop, and your book would be the best tool to help me with this journey. Hope I am one of the lucky five winners! Thanks in advance.

    • Debb 1 December, 2016 at 18:26 Reply

      Would be a nice gift for myself. I love your books. So easy to follow and your seminars are so energizing. Thanks Scott.

  82. Scott 1 December, 2016 at 18:12 Reply

    I have a strong desire to learn photoshop. Need all the help I can. Just joined kelbyone on Black Friday hoping to meet that goal. I’m sure the book and the videos could be a big help.

  83. Paul Parkinson 1 December, 2016 at 18:07 Reply

    Hi Scott. It looks like I have a 1 in 1331 chance of winning this but hey – in it to win it! Fingers crossed. THanks!

  84. Glenn Anderson 1 December, 2016 at 18:07 Reply

    Hi Scott, You have assisted me several times with camera choices, and even on photography itself, and now to have a chance to possibly win a copy of this book would be amazing. Just want to say thanks publicly for your assistance and hope that everyone can be able to learn as much as I have from you.

  85. Israel Vinuya 1 December, 2016 at 18:00 Reply

    Hi Scott!

    Ever since I’ve bought your book, Digital Photography Part 1, I’ve been a fan. I love the insights that you provide in a direct and easy to undrestand way which helped me to become a better photographer. Lastly, your humor is what makes your book so different from others! It makes learning both fun and easy 🙂

    Hoping to win this new book of yours!


  86. Tez 1 December, 2016 at 17:56 Reply

    Oh oh oh how I wish to get one free book. Surely this book will start my day with a smile. Something all photographer wants to get their hands on. Cheers to the lucky winners. GB

  87. Diane C 1 December, 2016 at 17:51 Reply

    When I first started Photoshop, your books were the first I used. Have been using ever since. Always some neat new ideas and tricks

  88. Dorothy Guild 1 December, 2016 at 17:51 Reply

    Just yesterday I was talking with a student at the seminary where I work about how un- user friendly Photoshop is. She was trying to complete a project in Photoshop and I was attempting to help her. I get Lightroom thanks to the wonderful classes at KelbyOne but Photoshop is still very confusing to me. Would LOVE a copy of this book.

  89. Lisa Horn 1 December, 2016 at 17:50 Reply

    Ooh! New Kelby Digital Photography book…it’s the gift that keeps on giving. Thanks for the giveaway – it’ll probably be sold out at amazon!

  90. Cheryl Phillips 1 December, 2016 at 17:47 Reply

    Scott, I love your books and what you’ve taught me so far!
    This one looks amazing and I’d love to have it please 🙂

  91. Carolyn J 1 December, 2016 at 17:40 Reply

    I love your books and would really love to add this one to my personal learning library
    Thanks for your generosity

  92. Tim Gimbert 1 December, 2016 at 17:37 Reply

    Scott’s books are great resources and this book will be invaluable in using Photoshop’s new and improved features.

  93. marcel bauer 1 December, 2016 at 17:34 Reply

    This would be perfect right about now. Scott your books are always very informative and entertaining. Not your typical overly technical I can’t sleep so let me grab the 10,000 page photoshop book :O

  94. Andrea Sitzman 1 December, 2016 at 17:22 Reply

    Everything I know about Lightroom and most of Photoshop (especially the useful stuff) I learned from you, Scott Kelby! Thank you for writing amazing books!

  95. Darren Cheung 1 December, 2016 at 17:19 Reply

    This looks like a great book. I would love a chance to read it and really attack my post processing with the techniques laid out!

  96. Andrew Nicholson 1 December, 2016 at 17:16 Reply

    As usual you take what is thought be digital alchemy and only possible if you have a magical unicorn, show to the novice to the pro the more productive way to get to “digital alchemy” without the unicorn. your books rock!!!!

  97. Daniela Hausbauer 1 December, 2016 at 17:12 Reply

    So I would be very happy about this book. Also because I come from Austria, and I can improve my English. 😉

  98. John Allard 1 December, 2016 at 17:08 Reply

    Can’t wait for it to come out. I have been using your older books CS2 and CS5. CC is fantastic, just so hard to keep up with the changes.

    • Lia Huemoeller 1 December, 2016 at 17:10 Reply

      Oh please pick me! I learned so much from your seminar in Minneapolis this fall. I would love to continue learning more.

  99. Malcolm Thornton 1 December, 2016 at 16:52 Reply

    What a wonderful Christmas Gift this would make, for all those aspiring Photoshop uses (like me, hint hint). I have a couple Lightroom Kelby books at home, and I find them both extremely educational and fun!

  100. Nedra 1 December, 2016 at 16:40 Reply

    If I’m selected to get a free book, I’ll be more than happy to accept, and, add it to my collection of Kelby books!

  101. Nina Cleven 1 December, 2016 at 16:39 Reply

    So many entries, so few chosen. Please pick mine as I could really use all of your expert advice. Love your books!!!

  102. Kristy Collins 1 December, 2016 at 16:37 Reply

    Please pick me! I need all the help I can get learning Photoshop and I just love your teaching. I have a couple of your books and just love them!

  103. Baciu Alina Andreea 1 December, 2016 at 16:29 Reply

    Hello, I am Andreea, a romanian that lives in Italy; photography is my passion,my cure and my best friend! sometimes I am using Photoshop but i am not an expert and I want to learn more from someone that “breathe” Photoshop, someone like you!I am honest with you, i have not read any photoshop book till now, so I hope this one will be the first to start!:)

  104. Illum 1 December, 2016 at 16:26 Reply

    Sadly is that taxation is extremely high when you order items from USA and buy outside Denmark, I think skipping this book, although I already bought some your books to double price incl. tax. But it it send as a gift … there is no tax

  105. Piotr 1 December, 2016 at 16:15 Reply

    So here I am, posting a comment after scrolling down through over 1200 comments thinking that I may be lucky this time 🙂 Are you signing these copieis by any chance? 😀

  106. John Nugent 1 December, 2016 at 16:12 Reply

    I would love this book. I’ve been trying to self teach using YouTube but find it difficult. The book would be so useful.

  107. Nikolaos Kypriotis 1 December, 2016 at 16:09 Reply

    Hello Scott. I am an new amateur photographer & editor by photoshop. My personal goal is to improve my skills as a result to be a professional photographer & editor as soon as possible. So it would be for me a pleasure to have a free copy of Photoshop CC from you.

    Best Regards

  108. Scott Whalen 1 December, 2016 at 16:05 Reply

    I would love to add this to my just started reference section in my “office” . Always looking to learn more and improve my craft.

  109. John Fraioli 1 December, 2016 at 16:05 Reply

    Just took the plunge with a CC subscription after using standalone Lightroom and Elements for years. Scott’s books have always been helpful.

  110. Matthew Horner 1 December, 2016 at 16:04 Reply

    Would be a great addition to my Kelby library – started with Lightroom 4 book for digitial photographers and ready to make the leap to Photoshop!

  111. Steve Wilson 1 December, 2016 at 16:01 Reply

    Your books on my shelf are beginning to need their own extra shelf space. How about an Ikea voucher for every 10 books?! (In place of that, a free copy of your latest will suffice). 🙂

  112. Pam Cumber 1 December, 2016 at 15:57 Reply

    I’m just a little fish in a big ocean… And a ameture photographer to boot …I’m still enjoying your book The Photoshop Elements 14 book for digital photography …I’ll get there …thanks for the inspiration Scott

  113. Danilo 1 December, 2016 at 15:57 Reply

    because in Italy I always wait so long for the version with my own language, I should be awarded at least the first Italian copy. I hope!

  114. Elizabeth Graham 1 December, 2016 at 15:48 Reply

    I could use this for sure. I feel so behind with all of the new features. And your books are the best. Easy to read and funny! Thanks for the giveaway and Merry Christmas!

  115. Niki 1 December, 2016 at 15:46 Reply

    Hi Scott!

    I’m writing from Polgár, Hungary. I have got all of your books and learned a lot from them (about photography, lighting and retouching). Can’t wait to see the latest trick and techniques.
    It would be honoured to receive a copy with your signature. This would be thes best Xmas gift ever 🙂
    I hope you’ll write even more books in the future. Keep up the good work!

    • Paulo 1 December, 2016 at 15:50 Reply

      Hi from Azores islands. I am an amateur photographer trying to learn photoshop. I believe your book will be an invaluable tool for all o us.
      Best regards
      Paulo Simoes

  116. Chris Stone 1 December, 2016 at 15:45 Reply

    Yes. I’ve got Scott’s Lightroom for Photographers books, (plus the new Lightroom Mobile book, but I’m moving into Photoshop CC now and this book would be really helpful.

  117. Sean Bateman 1 December, 2016 at 15:42 Reply

    Hi Joe..Time for a new table top book..the old lightroom book is getting that well used & loved look. It goes everywhere: kitchen table [Mom uses it with the laptop], the family & living room..even the cat has to fight for a spot.
    Hope to see you in Calgary soon, or at Rundle Mtn.

  118. Tony Newby 1 December, 2016 at 15:39 Reply

    Really need to up my photoshop skills and I know this will do it. Your LR book taught me so much now to get to the same level on PS.

  119. Peter Coombs 1 December, 2016 at 15:39 Reply

    I am so looking forward to this one Scott. I have purchased a number of your books over the years (Elements, Lightroom, DP Books 1,2,3 etc) and I can assure you they are all pretty dog eared from being read by family and friends. There is no doubt you have made a difference to us here in Brisbane, Australia.

  120. Joe S 1 December, 2016 at 15:29 Reply

    As with your other books, The Photoshop CC book would be an awesome tool to someone becoming a more experienced with photoshop.

  121. Kornél Nagy 1 December, 2016 at 15:27 Reply

    Yeah! I need to make more space on the self of photo books – Scott Kelby’s section start to grow out of the frame! 🙂

  122. Ilir Berisha 1 December, 2016 at 15:25 Reply

    I think it is time for your book to fly out to Kosovo the youngest country on the world.
    And it would be for the first time that somebody won some amazing stuff from you.

    Thanks for being part of the photographers community learning a lot from you.

  123. Marcia Zeigler 1 December, 2016 at 15:25 Reply

    I’ve been playing with your lovely presets for portraits and like the variations. Thank you. And of course I’m excited about your new book, Scott!

  124. steve 1 December, 2016 at 15:23 Reply

    Hi Scott thanks for the help with Lightroom if I’m the lucky one will be a great start upgrading to Photoshop happy Christmas

    • Gia 1 December, 2016 at 15:28 Reply

      Hi there from Sunny South Africa. Would love to win you latest book. I have basically self taught myself on Photoshop using you-tube and watching the Kelby One videos. I don’t think we in South Africa are able to order from Amazon as delivery seems to be a problem to SA. Therefore this would make it sooo much easier to get my hands on your new book. Take care and have a great day!

  125. Scott McMillan 1 December, 2016 at 15:16 Reply

    I’ve enjoyed your books in the past and would love a copy of the new one. I’ve been using LR for a couple of years now, but am just starting to branch into Photoshop, and this would be a great way to get started.

  126. JP 1 December, 2016 at 15:11 Reply

    Awesome job, Scott!I’d like to receive a copy of the book but even if I dont, thank you so very much for doing this. It means you really care about your community! 🙂

  127. Linda abnett 1 December, 2016 at 15:07 Reply

    Your book looks fantastic. I would love to get to grips with Photoshop, I use mainly Lightroom, but it has it’s limitations.

  128. E. Raul 1 December, 2016 at 14:52 Reply

    This book is a must have for an professional photographer. Scott please be the best Santa and grab a copy of your book.

    • 1 December, 2016 at 14:59 Reply

      Thanks Scott for doing this new book. I have pages of notes from your webcasts, killer tips, The Grid, etc. whenever there is something related to Photoshop CC and now there is one book I can use. Yeah, like everyone else, I too have all your other books and will gladly buy another bookcase to put this one in. How do you find the time to do these books and all the other stuff too?

  129. LisaTX 1 December, 2016 at 14:48 Reply

    I’m excited for a new Photoshop CC book! I have purchased all of your Lightroom books and would love to have the new Photoshop book.

    • Kathy 1 December, 2016 at 14:53 Reply

      Please, please, please? I am a Lightroom user with PS installed on my computer and absolutely no knowledge of how to use it. I am a Kelby One subscriber too.

  130. David 1 December, 2016 at 14:46 Reply

    Scott – Your books are my go to source for Photoshop and Lightroom. I would be honored to receive a free copy of your newest book!

  131. Peter Philipp 1 December, 2016 at 14:44 Reply

    Have read almost all your books on PS/LR for Photographers since CS2 and LR4 and have learned a lot. Have passed on older versions of the books to friends when I bought the newer editions for the new app versions and they have enjoyed them too. (sorry if you lost sales there, hopefully they also saw how good the books are and bought the newer ones..)

    Would be great to continue the streak with this new version as I have recently upgraded from CS6 to PS/LR CC package. Keep up the great work!


  132. Nadine Bongio 1 December, 2016 at 14:44 Reply

    I’d love a copy of your book!! I’m retired now, so I have no excuse to not dig right in and get more comfortable with Photoshop CC 2017!!!

  133. Mari 1 December, 2016 at 14:39 Reply

    Working in Mozambique as photogrpaher, its not always easy to find a gem like this book of yours. I sincerely hope that you see this comment!

  134. Danièle Reuter 1 December, 2016 at 14:37 Reply

    Hi Scott,
    LOVE your blog! And I definetely need this book! Keep that in mind when selecting your winners 😉

  135. Gagan Kaushal 1 December, 2016 at 14:35 Reply

    Learned Photoshop reading your earlier book. Would love to read the new edition. Thanks for offering such an wonderful opportunity.

  136. Bruce Lukaszewicz 1 December, 2016 at 14:32 Reply

    Hey Scott…
    I pre-ordered the book through Amazon when you announced a few weeks ago. I have the Lightroom version already. I also took advantage of the discounted membership for KelbyOne and I am thoroughly enjoying the Lightroom course material. I’ve been waiting for that price drop a long time, thanks.
    Bruce Lukaszewicz

    • Anne Richardson 1 December, 2016 at 14:33 Reply

      Please please can I win one? I need all the help I can get and have 4 of your books and they are great! Your funny comments keep me wanting to keep reading.

    • Alvin Turalde 1 December, 2016 at 14:32 Reply

      I need that book so badly! I purchased a subscription to Adobe that includes lightroom and photoshop, and been learning LR bit by bit, but never touched PS yet because I find it very daunting. I can say my post processing improved using only LR because it is relatively easy to use, but I still wonder of it could improve more with a little PS. It would be exciting!

  137. Chris Parry 1 December, 2016 at 14:18 Reply

    After suffering a stroke recently I am finding it easier to learn from a book than online video material. This would be just what I need right now. I still enjoy watching Scott’s videos but I struggle to retain the info anymore.

    • Mike Eikenberry 1 December, 2016 at 14:27 Reply

      It is time for a newer, fresher Kelby Photoshop book in my life now that I’m a couple of years into the Adobe CC world. I never fail to learn new techniques and occasionally unlearn bad habits.

    • Graeme Bell 1 December, 2016 at 14:34 Reply

      I own older copies of your Lightroom and Photoshop CC books Scott and they have proved invaluable to me in my learning process. Beautifully written and so informative they have been my best purchases in photography related books.
      It would be wonderful to win a copy of your new book.
      Keep up the excellent work.

  138. Michelle 1 December, 2016 at 14:17 Reply

    Love Lightroom CC but need to learn Photoshop CC so I can use both to enhance my pictures! Thank you, Scott – have a blessed Christmas seaaon!

  139. Allbert Kivilahti 1 December, 2016 at 14:00 Reply

    Greetings from Finland! My father started photographing couple years ago and this could be an awesome gift to him 🙂

  140. Jeanie Viig Jepsen 1 December, 2016 at 13:51 Reply

    cloud be a great help at school were we are about to learn Photoshop, and as a Photographer student even better..and that’s what i im, and thanks to Scott Kelby being there when needed 🙂 J

  141. Mario Linares 1 December, 2016 at 13:48 Reply

    Thanks for being in the giving spirit Scott! Lord knows we all could use a new book to keep up with all the new enhancements…….

  142. Elvin Coreano 1 December, 2016 at 13:47 Reply

    This dog is always open to learning new tricks. Thanks for all the great books you have published. It would be awesome to be picked as a winner and would be very appreciative.

  143. Robert Simmons 1 December, 2016 at 13:39 Reply

    Scott you have already improved my photography so much!. This book would be an awesome additional learning for my beginning photography career. thanks again for the information that I already gained

  144. Sue Leonard 1 December, 2016 at 13:39 Reply

    I so want to learn Photoshop from someone reputable. I’ve seen loads of stuff on the Internet and paid for stuff that turns out to be rubbish. I’ve also bought other books that are not clear and I’m left frustrated.

    I would love to win this book – I’ve watched some of your work Scott and love the way you teach.

    I’m determined that, one way or another, I will learn how to use Photoshop properly.


    • Val 1 December, 2016 at 13:42 Reply

      Would love to have your new edition of cc photoshop book. Over the years, have purchased all of your books from Photoshop cs2 to cs5. And your Lightroom 3 book. Great tips. Have enjoyed reading and challenging myself using the tips described in the books. This new edition would just add another new learning curve.