
I'm a Guest Blogger today on Scott's Blog

I have the honor of being a guest blogger today on Scott Kelby’s blog so make sure you check it out and leave a comment for me. (let ’em all know you’re a Lightroom Killer Tips visitor!) Yep, he asked me a few weeks ago and I’ve since been laboring over what I was going to write. Then, about a week ago it came to me, and about 2 days ago I began writing it. I have to say it took WAY longer then I thought it would (I’m afraid to even tell you as my boss my be reading this) but I had such a good time with it. Basically, I’ve taken a concept that we talk about in the office every once in a while and made it into a post. See, we always toss around ideas about small design changes we’d make to dialogs, palettes or the Photoshop interface. Sometimes we even come up with our own new ideas for dialogs. Well, I decided to actually create them. If you’ve never designed a dialog before, let me tell ya… it ain’t easy. I have a totally new respect for those folks because all I had to do was make mine in Photoshop and it took forever – I don’t even have to make them work 🙂 Anyway, head on over to Scott’s blog to check my post out and leave a comment for me as well. It’s even got some homework for you where you can download a PSD file and make your own. Regular blogging will resume here for the rest of the week. Thanks!



  1. Hopos 16 December, 2008 at 07:33 Reply

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  2. Dawn @ My Home Sweet Home 7 July, 2008 at 12:09 Reply

    That was a really great post, and I can tell it took quite some time to write. I have a home-based blog design business, and I would love that grunge filter. 🙂

    I am a new Lightroom user; a friend (and current user) gave me the extended BETA trial. When should the full 2.0 version be released?

    Thanks so much!

  3. Barney 26 June, 2008 at 10:02 Reply

    Awesome post, Matt – your best ever. You know Adobe is watching. It will be fun to see if any of your suggestions are instituted.

    Also, I noticed Deke has finally issued a second podcast. If you have not seen it, it is worth stopping by iTunes and downloading.

  4. stuart 26 June, 2008 at 04:16 Reply

    Great post Matt (as always). How sad is this – I actually found myself getting excited about some of your suggestions and had to keep reminding myself that this wasn’t some new PS Beta your were reviewing – but hey, you never know!

  5. Jason 25 June, 2008 at 23:18 Reply

    What a cool post Matt – every day I see more and more about your creativity and style that just is so inspirational. The fact that you saw the review over at TWIP and took the time to stop in and comment – very cool!

    And now, to give us all a peek at your thoughts on what the next panels should be for PS, even cooler. Then to open the floodgates by giving up a PSD to edit and hack at, well, just about the coolest! I even put one together myself (albeit very hackishly – is that a word?) and put it into the Flickr pool!

  6. Howard 25 June, 2008 at 14:03 Reply

    Enjoyed your post. But I have another question.
    Everyone seems to be going crazy over Lightroom 2.0. Books are even coming out. Yet isn’t this just a BETA? And couldn’t the final result be a lot different than the BETA? And isn’t it the case that the work you do within BETA might not be transferable into the final product?
    Just wondering why people were trying their best to learn a product that is only temporary and possibly not like what will be the final product.

  7. Jeff 25 June, 2008 at 11:44 Reply

    Hey Matt,
    Great guest post today. I’ve had the same discussions with Scott and you really nailed some of them. I don’t think I can open up a dialog box now without thinking of ways to change it.


  8. Tyson Williams 25 June, 2008 at 08:35 Reply

    Congrats Matt! I got a question: I look at the post notice funky frames (boarders) around your photo in the post, where would I get them for my own use? Thanks for the info!

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