Lightroom Videos

If You Print From Lightroom Then Watch This Video

Happy Friday! Over on my personal blog at, I told a little story about how I hadn’t removed some spots/sensor dust/debris in a photo that I had printed. See, when it comes to your web images, it’s really hard to see those little spots. But when you print, all bets are off – those things show up like you wouldn’t believe. While most people would never see them, because they don’t typically walk up and look at your photos from 6 inches, photographers examine photos extremely closely. For me personally, while it didn’t ruin the print for me, I was kinda ticked that I missed those tiny little spots.

Anyway, there’s a really quick trick (actually two) inside of Lightroom that helps find the spots so you can get rid of them more easily. Enjoy and have a great weekend!



  1. Rob M 29 March, 2013 at 07:35 Reply

    Thanks for the tip but I must say that I find printing in Lightroom to be painful, at best. LR is an amazing program but I tell others not to buy it if you plan to print from it. I tried to print multiple photos at one time, just plain 4×6 prints, and there is no way to do it. I had to print each photo one at a time.

    Hopefully I am missing something obvious and easy…

    • Rags 21 May, 2013 at 06:45 Reply

      ctrl right click each photo that you want to print. you should be able to print multiple images. I do it all the time.

  2. Virgil Mize 16 March, 2013 at 00:31 Reply

    Thanks for the tip. I was having fun with it when I remembered once on PStv someone said try the shift key. It works side to side also.

  3. Albert Acosta 14 March, 2013 at 13:17 Reply

    Hi Matt, I tried what you said in the video and it did not work. I pressed the page down button and nothing happened. I have a Dell PC. What could be the problem?


    Albert Acosta

  4. David 11 March, 2013 at 11:28 Reply

    WOW, I’ve been moving that box around ‘manually’ for a long time. The ‘Page Down’ Key is a FANTASTIC tip. One of your better ones.
    Thank you.

  5. Allan 9 March, 2013 at 20:44 Reply

    Thanks so much for a great tip as this . Like All your tips I have viewed over the past year you make working on my photos a enjoyable part of my day.

  6. Eric Wessman 9 March, 2013 at 09:16 Reply

    Hey Matt-

    I have known about and used the Page Down option for a couple of years. My problem is that when I switched over to a MacBook Pro, there is no Page Down key. Do you know of any workarounds or key combinations that would work?



  7. Cherry 9 March, 2013 at 03:11 Reply

    Wow, thanks for that. I have printed before and regretted not removing spots before, but I had to really look hard to find them on the original. This was really enlightening.

  8. Cherry 9 March, 2013 at 03:09 Reply

    Wow, thanks for that. I have printed before and regretted not removing spots before, but I had to really look hard to find them on the original. This was really enlightening.

  9. Eric Wessman 8 March, 2013 at 21:31 Reply

    Hey Matt-

    I have known about and used the Page Down method. Unfortunately when I switched over to a MacBook Pro, there is no Page Down key on the keyboard. Is there a workaround or a key combination that does this?



  10. Kathy Broad 8 March, 2013 at 13:58 Reply

    I had made a curves adjustment that was every 10 or so, but the one you suggested is actually easier to see, not as busy with fewer inverse colors. I did the page down trick on a couple of files, and fixed some spots and also used the curves setting to find and fix spots, but actually saw more spots appear when I applied your Blue Sky Preset.

  11. Don Fahnestock 8 March, 2013 at 13:11 Reply

    Thanks, Matt. Excellent tips. I do a good bit of film (yes, I’m that old). Since I saw the technique, I think in a back edition of “Photoshop User” mag, I’ve been using the tone curve idea for dust removal. You can imagine how much dust is on 45 yr old negs / slides. I’ve found a curves shape that does a good job of differentiating dust from film grain.

    BUT, I was not aware of the “page down” thing. I was going bats**t, at 2:1 or 3:1, even using the navigator, remembering where I had been and was going. Thank you, again!

  12. Dennis Zito 8 March, 2013 at 08:27 Reply

    Matt, that is a GREAT tip on the page down key! Man, every day I pick something up on your blogs!



  13. KevinZ 8 March, 2013 at 07:07 Reply

    Matt, I have to to say…….just when I think I know everything about Lightroom, I tune into your site and learn something new!!!!

    Keep up the GREAT work!!!

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