FeaturedLightroom Cloud

I released a special version of my “SLIM System” just for Lightroom ‘Cloud’ users

We just released a new Lightroom course at KelbyOne which is a special version of my “SLIM” system (Simplified Lightroom Image Management) just for Lightroom ‘cloud’ users. This version is even more slimmed down (get it?) because the ‘cloud version’ sidesteps all the backing up your library and your catalog and all that stuff that takes up a lot of the version for Classic users.

It’s called “Getting Super Organized in Lightroom “Cloud” – Check out the short trailer below for more about the course.

You can find the course at https://bit.ly/3NVCRfs

Hope you’ll give it a watch. Don’t forget to stop back by tomorrow for my continuing series on “Photoshop for Lightroom Users” – we’re going to go further down the rabbit hole. 🙂



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