Great Trick For “Micro” Adjustments in Lightroom
Benjamin Warde has an awesome, quick little tip on how to get finer adjustments in the Basic panel (you will dig this, if it’s not one of those things you’d probably figure out on your own, so…here ya go).
Pretty slick, right? Thanks, Benjamin. 🙂
Here’s wishing you a better than average Tuesday!
P.S. For those of you here in the States, I just saw Amazon now has the printed edition of my latest book, “The Flash Book” for only $16.67 which is like crazy cheap, right? If you’ve always wanted to fall in love with using flash, you’re only $16.67 away – here’s the link.
Another tip is to left click on the word of the adjustment you wish to make and then you can adjust the level by using the + or – key to adjust it in 1/10’s of a stop or value.
Thanks for the tip. I do view most all of these though I don’t add remarks at the end.
Also, I have your new book Scott, thanks much!
Another great tip! Thanks again Benjamin and Scott.
Great tip, keep up the good work
That is a very good book, maybe your best IMO. Highly recommend it – and there’s really nothing in it tied to any peculiarities of one vendor’s gear the way some books are. I’d wager that every person who buys and really reads it ends up changing how they use flash for the better, and can handle more situations better in the process.
I didn’t know you could click and drag there! For finer control I’ve always clicked into the number box and typed in what I wanted.
Yet again Ben finds hidden moves that the rest of would never find in a lifetime of editing. Where is, who has the book of secrets and spells…there must be one!
I’ve used a variation on this for years. Simply highlight the numbers in the box then use the arrow keys; even more delicate control.
Right on Roger!! Great tip!
arrow keys are fine control units and SHIFT-arrow moves in larger increments. Really handy…
I do this to, Roger. When doing it that way, holding shift down while using the arrows makes changes in increments of, I believe 10. That’s very useful also