Get Up To Speed Fast On All The Stuff Adobe Added to Lightroom In The Past 18 Months

It’s a lot more than you’d think (even I was surprised, and there were even a features that snuck by me, which of course I included in the class). Anyway, there’s so much they added, to Classic, Lightroom (cloud), and Mobile that I wanted to cover as much of it as I could to get you up to speed fast.
This online course was released late last week so I wanted to make sure you knew about it, and had a chance to watch it before Adobe adds even more stuff (it’s a lot of keep up with).
Here’s a link to the course.
When you see how many things they’ve added, you’ll be impressed (heck, the Texture slider alone was enough for me. I would have paid separately just for that feature). Anyway, if you’ve got some down time this week (about 90 minutes) you could unlock the keys to a lot of cool stuff.
Here’s to what could be a very cool week!
I looked through the changes to lightroom since version 5 (pre-CC) and the changes are marginal at best. Adobe should be ashamed. People are paying for the name rather than the functionality, there are better options out there now.
Yet, here you are commenting on a Lightroom blog. Shouldn’t you be over at sites that support those “better options.” 😉
A good follow up for LR Classic (desktop file storage mac/windows). You have to pick back through releases with weblinks, but eventually you’ll find something. Scott’s a lot more entertaining and better at explaining it all concisely than Adobe is at writing IMO.
Adobe needs to change their subscription business model. In these “trying” times I predict great financial losses for their company.