Get right to the panel you want without having to scroll down

If you’re in the Develop module working in the Basic panel and then decide you want to jump to:
…the new Color Grading panel, just press Command-4 (PC: Ctrl-4).
To jump back up to the Basic panel press Command-1 (PC: Ctrl-1)
Press Command-2 (Ctrl-2) for the Tone Curve panel
Command-3 (Ctrl-3) for the HSL/Color panel
Command-5 (Ctrl-5) for the Detail panel (and so on)
Pretty handy stuff, eh?
NOTE: The panel keyboard shortcuts correspond to the order your panels in, from top to bottom (so Command-1 choose the Basic panel, Command-2 the next one down, the Tone Curve, and so on). The shortcuts I listed above are for the default order. However if you’ve used the “Customize Develop Panel” control (right click on the panel header) to reorder your panels, the shortcuts still go from top to bottom in order. So, for example, if you reordered your panels so the Calibration panel is your 2nd from the top, pressing Command-2 (PC: Ctrl-2) would now take you to the Calibration panel, and not the Tone Curve panel, which by default is the 2nd panel down. Tip of the hat to Simone who pointed this out in the comments.
Have a great weekend, everybody. Stay safe and sane and catch you here next week.
P.S. On Tuesday, the KelbyOne Flash Photography Conference 2020 kicks off (featuring the world’s #1 wizard of flash, Joe McNally), but the day before I’m doing a pre-conference workshop for people who are absolute flash photography beginners, designed to get folks up and running fast. Then on Tuesday it splits into two training tracks: one for beginners with me, and an intermediate / advanced track with Joe. Although the whole event is live (with Joe up in a studio in Connecticut and me down in Tampa), but we archive the entire conference for six full months so you can go rewatch any sessions, or catch any sessions you missed on either track.Photographers from all over have already signed up, and it’s not too late if you want to join us next week. Here’s the link for tickets and more details.
Brilliant tip thanks.
However, I think that the number depends on the position of your panels. I rearranged the panels (following an earlier tip of yours) and now Detail is on position 2 and I get there by pressing Command-2. Much more logical and useful that way, but worth mentioning.
Thank you for sharing that, Simone – great point (and I’ll add it to the post right away). Cheers. 🙂