Lightroom TipsLightroom Videos

Friday Video Tip – The Previous Button

Like a lot of folks I’ll be gearing up for the big game this weekend. My Tampa Bay Bucs didn’t make it so I’ll probably have to go with the Giants (I lived in New Jersey until I was 18). Sorry New England fans 🙂 Anyway, I thought I’d combine the tip and the video again this week and cover another button that a lot of people miss out on. It’s the Previous button in the Develop module. If you’ve never used it, you’ll be happy to know it does exactly what it says. It’s another one of those little features that, once you use it one time, it gets mysteriously addictive after that. So sit back, grab some popcorn, and check out the latest video tip.

I hope you have a great weekend. Like most of you out there, I put some big money down on the game too ($8500) so I’ll be watching closely. I’m totally just kidding 🙂 My wife would kill me if I put any more than $4000 down on a game. I’m kidding again. I did bet $20 bucks on one of those little office pool pick-your-square thingees though. Wish me luck!

Click here to watch the video. (4Mb)



  1. Herwig Henseler 6 February, 2008 at 07:37 Reply

    Still don’t get it. Is it taken from the previous _editing_ or from the previous _picture_? Are all settings taken oder only those that you changed? Is the change relative or absolute?

    Sure looks like a timesaver but I want to understand it completely 8^)

    Thx for your great material for free! Love it.


  2. klawson 4 February, 2008 at 15:02 Reply

    Matt, This site, Dave Hill;any chance of you doing some tutorials of some of the PSCS3 methods used to “color/effects” of his work.

    I have been trying to achieve some reproduction of this will no success.

    Please let me know if you or someone plans something like this. I subscribe to Kelby training.


  3. Gustavo Vieira 4 February, 2008 at 12:15 Reply

    Hi Matt,
    sorry to insist Matt, i can’t find a contact information on your site, that’s why i’m posting as a comment. Can you or anybody else help me with this one?

    IÂ’m having an issue exporting a downsized jpeg in Lightroom. My images got some odd thing on the contrast areas, like a very strange sharpening. And IÂ’m not even sharpening the image in Lightroom. I would like to send you an example of whatÂ’s happening so you could bring the issue to the discussion or tell us how to solve it. Is it possible?

    Thank you,

  4. Pete 3 February, 2008 at 13:00 Reply

    Here is a cool tip you might want to share. I just came across it a few minutes ago and I think people might like it. When you do a search in the Library module it pops up all the pictures of what you are searching for, which I think everyone knows. But when you click on Collections it highlights the collections that have that search term in it. Pretty cool and useful if you are sorting your images into collections. Also notice that you said you were from Jersey Matt, where in NJ? Thanks for all the LR tips… I check out your blog all the time.

  5. Jas 2 February, 2008 at 12:49 Reply

    Dude … Just saved me a bunch on “copy settings” > “paste settings”. I’ve never used that button before, just assumed it took you back to the previous photo. Your Killer Tips are Killer … and Killer Time Savers, too. Work smarter, not harder is your mantra … and I dig it!!

  6. AL 1 February, 2008 at 13:23 Reply


    I know Lightroom iiiiiiiiiinsiiiiide and out, but I felt like a total dork for having never even touched the Previous button. Unreal! It was a major D’OH/DUH moment when I saw the vid. Thanks for the one tip I DID need 🙂 Keep up the good work.


  7. Jason Joseph (N.Y.C.) 1 February, 2008 at 12:53 Reply


    Way off topic here… but don’t know how to reach you otherwise.
    Im not sure if your aware of Jeffrey Friedl’s work… Im guessing as you have your ear to the ground you must have… but just in case you havent…
    He is doing some amazing work with Lightroom…. customizing the metadata panel. He’s provided a page where you can go and completely customize all of the data shown…. giving it headers for different categories, adding your own information slots….. ( I’ve aded a section that is simply all of my clients data…name addy, email, phone etc. ) If you haven’t already had this brought to your attention I thought it ….and my fellow readers would love to see and could definitely use.
    I’ve gone and generated my own code on his site and made my own PRESETS for METADATA. He even provides you with a link to the page where others can then go and get your code. Here is mine :
    It is simple to try… easy to reverse… and truly uncluttering and quite liberating! I hope you enjoy the preset I’ve made….. maybe you have some thoughts on this…. changes you would make? Maybe you’ll make your own?
    Hope I’ve been of help… as you always are to me! Thank you again for all you do! Oh and congrats on the marathon too !

    Jason Joseph ( N.Y.C.)

    P.S.I also posted to an old thread you have about printing from Lightroom with a black background, hope you got to check it out.

  8. Earl 1 February, 2008 at 12:48 Reply

    Thanks for the tip. I often need the same adjustments to several images and, after I realize the need, I save them as a preset. Of course by the time I realize the need, I only have three more images to adjust. (I’m not too quick to realize some times.) This will be a lot better than having a stack of presets named “shoot1129, shoot0108, Arlene…”

  9. Dan Passaro 1 February, 2008 at 10:48 Reply

    Thanks for all your tips Matt. I found this site quite some time ago but only this past week did I set up the RSS feed (thru the iGoogle page).

    So many little (but huge) tips to go thru.

    Is there a keyboard shortcut to the ‘Previous’ button?

    Is there a list of the most used keyboard shortcuts somewhere, maybe something that can be printed out?

    I have John Beardsworths excellent LR book which has an extensive list in the back. The book is based on LR 1.0 and I haven’t gone thru every. single. one. of the shortcuts lol.

    thanks again,

  10. Kevin Zdyb 1 February, 2008 at 10:20 Reply

    I have been using LR since the beta was released. Even though I feel that I know the software well I keep learning things from your blog that I never realized were there!!! Your blog is the BEST resource for LR, keep up the GREAT job!!!

  11. June 1 February, 2008 at 09:45 Reply

    Can’t play this video. I downloaded Windows Media Player 11 and still couldn’t…am being told it won’t play mp4 files. Any suggestions?

  12. mahom 1 February, 2008 at 08:37 Reply

    Hey Matt,
    thats my first comment here. Thank you for this little tip. Maby I will use the Previous Button at some time.

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