Lightroom Tips

Friday Tip – Virtual Copies

In every issue of Photoshop user magazine you’ll find a section called “Darkroom” that is totally dedicated to Photoshop Lightroom. A couple days ago I was writing an article for Darkroom on virtual copies and found a feature added in Lightroom 1.1 that I hadn’t used yet (by the way, you can find a video on virtual copies here). See, once you created virtual copies there really wasn’t any quick way to find them. You had to flag or rate them in some way so you could search for ’em. But there’s this new, little icon down in the filter bar (right above the filmstrip at the bottom right corner). It allows you to filter by virtual copies. So, if you want to create a quick slideshow or web gallery that only includes the virtual copies you’ve created, just click it (look at this post’s image to see where it is). Now that I’ve found it, I’m using it all the time and I hope it helps you too. Enjoy your weekend everyone!
