Friday Tip (Actually 2 today)
Yep, it’s a special special day. Friday… It’s a long weekend for me and I’m excited so I figured I’d squeeze two tips in. Here goes.
Tip #1First, if you’re working with the Tone Curve and you want to reset the curve, or the sliders below the curve, forget about trying to drag them to their original places on the curve. Instead, just right-click on the Tone Curve and you’ll see a little pop-up menu asking if you want to reset the Curve, the splits, All, or simply flatten the curve.
Tip #2The Identity Plate area in Lightroom is pretty sharp because it lets you customize Lightroom with your studio name or logo. This is really useful if you often show your work in front of clients because it makes them think the program you’re using is tailor-made for you. Plus, it’s just plain cool. However, you can also customize those little swirly floral things at the bottom of your panels on the left and right. Here’s a link to an article the Pro Photo Show website called “Pimp My Panels”, so check it out. Well that’s it for the Friday tips. I’ll be at Photoshop World next week so make sure you stop by and say hi if you’re attending. Have a great Labor Day weekend!