Come Say Hi at Imaging USA
I’m really excited because this weekend kicks off Imaging USA. See, most of the time we have to travel to conferences and events around the country but this time it’s right in our backyard. So, if you’re going to be in Tampa this weekend (and early next week) for Imaging USA make sure you come say hi at the Kelby Training booth. I’ll be teaching Lightroom at the booth as well as some other stuff. I’m on at 12:00pm and 2:00pm on Sunday and Monday. Then on Tuesday at 11:30am, Scott Kelby, Dave Cross, and myself are filming a live Photoshop TV episode. They’re always fun (and never good 😉 ) so make sure you stop by to see it. Speaking of Scott, he’s got a post on his blog about the Kelby Training schedule for those two days so you can see it here. I hope to get to meet some of you there. Oh yeah, scroll down for the Friday tip. It’s a good one.