Today’s the day! It’s July 2nd and we’re going into this next half of the year knowing that we started it right by backing up our Lightroom catalog and we’ll all be sleeping better tonight night for it.
While the process of backing up your catalog is easy, first you might want to know why you need to backup your Lightroom catalog and then how to do it, step-by-step. So, first read this:
After reading that, you might ask, “Where should that backup be stored?” So, read this:
Are You Backing Up Your Lightroom Catalog To The Right Place?
OK, that’s the plan — stop what you’re doing; backup that catalog, and start this week off like a boss!! 🙂
Have a great backed-up feelin’ Monday! 🙂
P.S. Come to my Lightroom seminar in Raleigh, Lansing, or Washington DC
This month (well, in just a few days), I’ll be in Raleigh (July 11th), Lansing (July 13th), and Washington DC on August 17th. Come on out and spend the day with me learning all the cool stuff in Lightroom Classic.