DevelopFeaturedLightroom Videos

Another Way To Edit a Video Clip In Lightroom

Hi gang: This is a follow-up to a post I did last week about using the Quick Develop panel in the Library module to edit a video clip (because the Develop module doesn’t support editing video).

One of my readers here on the blog, filhalandilas, noted that there’s another way to do it, and while it takes an extra step, it opens all the editing capabilities of the Develop Module for editing video using a clever workaround (though I’m not sure it was necessary to start his comment with “You’re Doing It Wrong!”).

Anyway, here’s the tip:

Hope you find that helpful, and thanks to filhalandilas for his comment. Well, most of it anyway. 😉

(1) Heads up: A week from this Wednesday, I’m in Minneapolis (Sept 21st), and then Milwaukee that Friday (the 23rd) with my Shoot Like a Pro: Reloaded full-day seminar. Tickets here. 


(2) If you missed “My Top 5 of Everything” this past week…
I posted an update of my “Top 5 of Everything” blog post over on my blog last week. It had been eight years since I updated it, and one of my readers tweeted that they’d like to see what my picks would be today. Well, I went and did ’em – here’s the link if you’ve got a sec.


