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Lightroom CC Update Advisory for Mac Users (and a quick tip)


Chances are this hasn’t affected you, but just in case — Adobe was alerted on Friday that there was a potential problem in the latest update to Lightroom CC that could potentially affect some small number of Mac users, so Adobe pulled the update to fix the problem, and they are redeploying a new updated version that address that issue.

You can read about it straight from Adobe right here.  (and they have a link there to contact customer support if you’re experiencing any problems with the update).

OK, you got time for a really quick little tip? 


The Filmstrip at the bottom of Lightroom has it’s own set of preferences (options) for what you see, and how things react in the Filmstrip. To get to these options; right-click on one of your thumbnails in the filmstrip and when the pop-up menu appears, go to the bottom and under View Options are a set of options you can choose.

Hope you find either one of both of those helpful. 🙂



P.S. Photographers in the Houston area – I’m there this Friday teaching my full day seminar. Come on out and play!



  1. Mike McKeller 15 February, 2016 at 20:37 Reply

    Hi again, Scott – a quick update about the CC desktop app bug. It looks more serious than we first thought. Check out the blog at Backblaze.com for a pretty scary litany of what happened. I can’t tell whether I had any files deleted from the root directory, so I’m thinking of restoring from a Time Machine backup before the buggy update.

  2. Mike McKeller 15 February, 2016 at 20:00 Reply

    Hey Scott – just to clarify, the problem was not with the Lightroom CC update, but rather with the Creative Cloud desktop app update. As such, I guess it would potentially have affected anyone who updated the CC desktop app.Adobe has already reissued the update and says that CC users will be prompted to install the fixed version “within 24 hours”. Probably wouldn’t help anyone who had a file removed from the system root directory by the prior update (of course, how would any of us even know if that terrible fate had befallen us?)

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