
10 Reasons to Go to the Google+ Photographers Conference

I’ll be teaching at the Google+ Photographers Conference next Month in San Francisco. It’s definitely going to be an event that’s the first of it’s kind and I hope you’ll be able to join me (along with lots of other great instructors) there. In case you’re not sure what it’s all about, here’s 10 Reasons why I think you should go.

1. Live Shooting Lounge: You’ll be able to put your newly acquired photography and lighting skills to the test at our Live Shooting Lounge. In this perfectly lit space, you’ll have the opportunity to shoot a variety of themed scenes featuring live models.

2. Photowalks: Get out there with your camera. That’s one of the main attractions to this conference… you’re supposed to bring your camera. There’s a bunch of smaller more intimate photowalks with the instructors so you can get some small group learning time with them as well as the new people you’ll meet there.

3. One-on-one portfolio reviews: There’s no better way to improve your photography then getting your work reviewed by a pro. It’s one of the things that’s helped me the most in my career and I think you’ll find it one of the most valuable experiences out there.

4. Google will be there: Who better to learn about the ins and outs of getting seen and heard on Google+, than Google themselves. Bradley Horowitz, Mike Wiacek, and Brian Rose (some top names from Google) will all be there and I’m sure we’ll see plenty of other Google folks make an appearance too.

5. Google is poised to become the social network of the future. I attended WPPI this past February and all you heard the photographers talk about was leveraging social media for your photography. Well, if you’re looking to stay ahead of the curve, then G+ is the best place.

6. Photoshoots Galor!: This place is built for shooting. Bring your camera. Trust me, they’ll make sure you have something to shoot.

7. Guy Kawasaki will be there: This is the person that literally wrote the book on G+ and plenty of other best-selling books. Personally, I’m really excited about meeting him.

8. Learn from some of the hottest photographers out there: One of the things I’m happiest about is the line-up of photographers I’ll be teaching with. Scott Kelby, Trey Ratcliff, Jeremy Cowart, Alex Koloskov,
Catherine Hall, Peter Hurley, RC Concepcion, Brian Matiash, Erik Valind, Lindsay Adler, and Colby Brown. That’s one killer list of talent all in one place.

9. Panel Discussions: I love classes where the attendees get involved. There’s panel sessions throughout the two days, and they’re the perfect place for that. Not only do you get to see several instructors get together to share their thoughts, but panels typically turn into a two-way street – where the class asks questions and gets to hear the views from several people at once.

10. There’s nothing like being there – I know it’s going to be broadcast on the internet. But there’s a reason that many conferences, seminars and shows are posting some of their biggest numbers ever. It’s because people still like to get out and interact. There’s a networking and level of learning that you get from being there that you simply don’t get when you watch something online.

And if you can’t actually make it to the conference, there’s going to be plenty of live streaming classes and events from it so stay tuned over at I hope to see you there.



  1. Victor Goodpasture 1 May, 2012 at 01:02 Reply

    Hi Matt,
    I posted on my Facebook page if anyone uses Google+. The answer was a resounding “no.” It’s not that they didn’t like it, but they felt one social networking site was enough and they didn’t have time to be making posts (I assume duplicate posts) on both places. I have a Google+ account haven’t used it much because none of my clients are on it. They seem pretty overwhelmed just dealing with FB! And in talking to just a few of them, they aren’t interesting in having “to learn” a new social networking system. So I guess what I’m asking is what or how is this conference different or better than FB? I mean, if Google+ is for photographers to post their work and have other photographers comment on them, that’s one thing. But if the purpose is to garner new clients, then that’s the part that stumps me. FB is the 900lb gorilla in the room. If there were a way for these two social networks to work together (so that one post would go to both places), that would be ideal. I don’t think that’s going to happen and I fear there is only room enough for one major social networking site. Is this a last gasp to save Google+ before it goes the way of Netscape? Or am I completely missing something? I can’t be the only person thinking this! Your thoughts on all of this. Thanks!

    • Matt Kloskowski 1 May, 2012 at 18:22 Reply

      Hi Victor,
      It’s kinda a bigger topic than I can just write here. But I don’t blame them. It’s not for everyone. That said, maybe we’ll see if we can write something up or discuss on one of our shows in the next week or so.

  2. Chase 18 April, 2012 at 09:22 Reply

    It took me a day to see the benefit of this conference and now I wish I could make it. I hope it goes well for all who attend.

    Im not sure G+ is the social media network of the future, they have a bit of rethinking to do. Hangouts are incredbile, but the rest of the network/site is lacking some serious architecture and thought.

  3. Martin 18 April, 2012 at 02:28 Reply

    Coming the to G+ PC would be awesome … but traveling about 6000 miles .. all the cool stuff is located on the wrong continent ( or i am on the wrong one? 😀 )

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