Here’s a few links worth checking out while you’re web surfing today:

• First, scroll down to the next blog post to read a totally un-Lightroom-related (but interesting) story.

• Not necessarily Lightroom related but it’s still pretty big news. Adobe has released a new version of Photoshop Elements (version 8). And its for the Mac and PC. Terry White’s blog has a great video on the new features so stop by and check it out. Oh yeah. Scott Kelby and I have co-written the new Photoshop Elements 8 for Digital Photographers book. It’ll be heading to press next week so stay tuned for some major book promoting from me 🙂

• Lightroom has its own iPhone app! LRKeys is trivia like iPhone and iPod Touch application for digital photographers who use Lightroom.

• Congrats to our beloved Lightroom application. The latest InfoTrends survey shows that Lightroom continues to grow (over Aperture) as the software of choice for photographers surveyed. Check out the stats on John Nack’s blog.

• Timothy Armes has recently released another killer web gallery for Lightroom called Elegance. Its a gallery designed for photographers who want to show off a small number of images but in a very polished way. I think this one may be my favorite one yet.

• I’ll be at Photoshop World next week teaching Lightroom and a bunch of other stuff. Even if you’re not coming to the show you can grab a free Expo pass from the site. One of my favorite things about Photoshop World is the accessibility to the instructors. We all hang out on the Expo floor during the day when we’re not teaching so its a great chance to get some questions answered. If you live in the Vegas area, make sure you print yourself a pass and stop by.

Have a great day!



  1. Matt Kloskowski 27 September, 2009 at 21:37 Reply

    Slim – Its basically the same answer as Stan up above. Its a little too much to answer here in a comment. I did finish an online training class on LR Backups. Photo backup, catalog backup, and videos simulating a crash where I show you how to restore your catalog and photos. Keep an eye on in the new few weeks and it’ll be up.


  2. Slim 27 September, 2009 at 14:42 Reply

    Hey Matt,
    Off topic question…My external hard drive recently crashed on me, thankfully I had all of my photos backed up on another hard drive. I also back up my catalog daily (I keep everything under one catalog). My question is how do I re-import everything so that it looks just like it did before (complete with editing I had done to my images)? If that is at all possible. Thank you.

  3. Bodie Quirk 26 September, 2009 at 15:34 Reply


    Your site is fantastic. I have learned so much from you. Thank you.

    Second, I couldn’t find a place to contact you apart from making a comment on a post, so forgive me that my question has nothing to do with this post. I looked all around for a Contact or email me button, but came up short, so here I am.

    Ok, I took the plunge and got onOne’s Plug In Suite and it is awesome! I learned about it from all the plugs that you guys gave it and I was wondering how you incorporate it into your workflow? What do you use most?

    Also, do you know of a way to automatically add a photo that I have modified in Photoshop using the Plug In Suite into the collection that it came from? It seems that every time I click apply, the photo is added back into Lightroom, but only into the Folder the original came from, not the collection it came from. It seems I have to go back and add it manually. Any way around this? Is this how you do it?

    Also, are their any other Plug In’s or Actions that use find yourself using regularly?

    Love some insights on how you incorporate the Suite as well as any other actions into your workflow when you do.


  4. Matt Kloskowski 25 September, 2009 at 14:44 Reply

    Hi Stan,
    That’s a little too much to answer here in a comment. Its funny you ask this though. Just yesterday I finished an online training class on LR Backups. Photo backup, catalog backup, and videos simulating a crash where I show you how to restore your catalog and photos. Keep an eye on in the new few weeks and it’ll be up.


  5. Stan Richard 25 September, 2009 at 14:24 Reply

    Matt, how are we to use the Backups which I do occasionally? What is the symptom if a catalog fails or fails to load? How do you know when a backup is needed, and how do you load a catalog from a backup?



  6. David H 24 September, 2009 at 23:21 Reply

    I enjoy this blog and find it usefull. The problem is that I just recently discovered it and would like to be able to somehow go through archives. Instead, the way it is set up I have to click “previous” one-by-one at the bottom of each page. After about 20 of those clicks it gets a bit old and I give up. Of course if I say something from last year that I wanted to revisit, I’d have to do the manual one-by-one click through the year.

    Its almost like working with some sort of software when I have 1,000 images to edit without the ability to batch process—like Nikon Capture.

  7. Brian 24 September, 2009 at 20:01 Reply

    Hey Matt,

    I noticed something weird in LightRoom today and was wonder if you could explain it.

    If I open a new raw image set the camera calibration>profile to something say “neutral”. Then go into the develop module and make all my corrections then go back to the camera calibrations panel and click on neutral againI notice the profile seems to change even though you are re-selecting the same profile already selected.

    I check the other sliders to see if something else was being changed, but it doesn’t seem to be. So my question is why am I getting 2 different versions of the same profile when I re-select it.

    Also clicking it a 3rd time makes no changes what so ever.

    I know this sounds weird, but something I just noticed recently.

    Thanks for any info you can give me!

  8. al 24 September, 2009 at 19:22 Reply

    hey matt,in reference to a post you had on genuine fractalswhere you said it was great product but somewhat excessive at the $299 price.well,i just got email for sale price for 3 days of $ at that price the plugin is worth it.just wanted to sprread

  9. Fred famx 24 September, 2009 at 16:44 Reply

    Issue with Lens name in metadata.

    With one camera (Canon 350D) my 85 is referenced “85.0 mm” in the metadata filter, with a 40D the same lens is referenced “EF85mm f/1.8 USM”

    Do you have a tips to force LR to correct this issue ?

    Thanks a lot for all your videos, tips, presets, …

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