
Win A Free Ticket to Scott Kelby's Photoshop CS6 for Photographers Tour!

Hey everyone. Scott’s launching a brand new tour called The Photoshop CS6 for Photographers Tour. It’s a one day seminar packed with everything a photographer needs to know to make their photos great with Photoshop. And he kicks off the day with the 7-Point system for Camera Raw, which works exactly the same for Lightroom (we just have a much cooler interface for it 😉 ). After that you’ll learn all the newest tips and techniques for working with your photos in Photoshop. I’ve seen a dry-run of the entire seminar (Scott hosted one to practice here in Tampa) and the crowd loved it, so I think you’re going to as well. Here’s the cities, just leave a comment with the city you’d like to win and I’ll pick some winners by the end of the day:

  • Nashville, TN: July 23
  • Philadelphia, PA: July 27
  • New York, NY: July 30
  • Charlotte, NC: August 14


  1. John Davey 20 July, 2012 at 22:36 Reply


    I attended Matt’s session on Lightroom last year. Would love to attend Scott’s CS6 seminar.

  2. John Cassan 19 July, 2012 at 09:01 Reply

    Love to see you in New York. I hear your seminars are awesome. I just got Photoshop CS6 and love it so far.

  3. Walt Mateja, Ph.D. 18 July, 2012 at 10:56 Reply

    Hey, Sxott and Matt, I ‘ m a NAPP: member and teach Adobe & Photo Courses at Delaware Technical & Community College. Have been to your Philly evernts for the last three hyears and would love a chance to be updated with this one on CS6.. Thanks for everything you guys do withh NAPP.

  4. Dave 17 July, 2012 at 23:47 Reply

    Sacramento, CA

    I attended the Lightroom 4 seminar in S. San Francisco earlier this year and loved it. I have CS 5 extended, but would love to see CS6 in action and to learn how to better use Photoshop in general.

  5. Barry Rosier 17 July, 2012 at 09:23 Reply

    Matt, always wanted to see one of Scott’s seminars. I’d love to go to Philly. Just in time for a trip I’m planning to Utah to shoot the canyons there. Thanks alot.

  6. Brenda J 16 July, 2012 at 23:50 Reply

    Scott- hope I am not too late! Love to see you in Philly. I am glued to the computer when you, Matt & RC talk tips!

  7. Lori Todd 16 July, 2012 at 23:01 Reply

    I would love to attend any of the workshops. The TN one would be closest. PLEASE!!!!!! That works for my kids.

  8. Humphrey Dunn 16 July, 2012 at 18:13 Reply

    Be a lot of fun to meet you and learn photoshop cs6 in Nashville so to quote Shrek, “Pick me” please.

  9. Chris Knowles 16 July, 2012 at 16:44 Reply

    Scott Kelby is like a broken drum… You can’t beat him!!!

    I’d love to go to Philadelphia please and good luck everyone 🙂

  10. Stephen Smith 16 July, 2012 at 14:30 Reply

    Have just finished reading Scott Kelby’s “The Digital Photography Book part 1-4” and wold love to see Scott live in Charlotte.

  11. Shelbie 16 July, 2012 at 13:11 Reply

    I would definitely LOVE to go to New York!I love photography, it’s more a passion than a hobby<3 There would be some many amazing things to photograph there was well! 🙂

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