
Weekly Worth-a-click

Here’s a few things that I found worth a quick visit this week.

• Lightroom 2.3 is officially released(look on the right side for the download link). You may recall it had been in beta-mode for a while but now 2. 3 is up on the Adobe website. I’ve installed it and had no issues that I can see.

• Speaking of updates, I know all of you LR users out there use Photoshop. Adobe has also released a CS4 update. Here’s the link for the Mac version and here’s the one for PC.

• Nik Software (makers of my favorite Noise Removal and Black and White plug-in) have announced a plug-in for Viveza in Lightroom. So if you ever found yourself going into Photoshop just to use Viveza (which I did from time to time), now you can leave that step out and go straight to Viveza.

That’s it for today. I’ll talk to you more later this week.
