Weekly worth-a-click
Here’s a few links that I thought were interesting. But first I wanted to say a huge thanks to all the folks that attended the Bar Harbor, Maine workshop I taught last week. What a great group of photographers we had. Seriously, I had a really nice time with everyone and, like always, I learned a few things from the group which is always cool. Now on to the links:
I’ll be teaching at Adobe’s booth at the PDN Photo Plus Expo this week in New York. My class schedule is as follows. Make sure you stop by and say hi:
Thursday: 1:00 pm – Using Layers in Photoshop at the Peachpit Booth
Friday: 2:45 pm – Lightroom from Start to Finish at the Adobe Booth
Saturday: 1:15 pm – Lightroom from Start to Finish at the Adobe Booth
One of the photographers in my Bar Harbor workshop last week, Howard Ignatius, had some pretty cool time-lapse photography videos on his portfolio site. Click on this link and then go to the 4th page of his portfolio under the movies section. Neat stuff.
The folks over at Kelby Training are running an iPhone photo contest. Check it out.
SlideShowPro v1.3.4 (the plug-in for Lightroom’s web module) for Lightroom has been released.
Scott Kelby’s Lightroom tour is coming to Dallas, Texas next week on Oct. 27 and then to Orlando, FL on Oct. 29. There’s also dates coming in Los Angeles and Denver. You can find out more here.
Hey Matt, I am seriously considering going to the Maine GW workshop in 2009. After seeing the pictures from Bar Harbor I am almost sold. Do you have any pictures from the trip? I just have to (1) talk my husband into going to Costa Rica on his own (2) or just tell him I am going with or without him to ME.
Love your tips for LR2, between them, your videos on Kelby Training & Scott’s book, I might actually use it. :-}
I’m so jacked that I get to attend Kelby’s LR 2 session in Dallas on Monday !!! I’ve got the dog-earred copy already for him to sign, I paid for the thing and I’m extracting his signature for doing so !!! So, any good inside secrets we should know about Scott to disturb him between sessions Matt ???
Hi Matt,
Will a video be following the Lightroom from Start to Finish ?? I would love to see one on Kelbytraining or the NAPP website.
Thx, Glenn
Now everyone is talking about the American economy and eclections, nice to read something different. Eugene
I have seen you and Scott use a mat while printing your photos. Is there a template that can be used in lightroom to do that?
Hi Matt,
Funny you mentioned that slideshow plugin – one of my co-workers asked me today if I could find him a program capable of making slideshows. The catch is that it has to be able to export the slideshow to CD. Do you know of any plugins or standalone applications that can do that?
I wish you guys would get some tours over here in the Washington area. I’d love to come to one but your always so far away (hint hint)
I’ll have to check out the new version of SSP.