Lightroom Tips

Weekly Worth-a-click

Here’s a few links worth checking out while you’re web surfing today:

• Tom Hogarty (Lightroom Product Manager) has a “Meet the Lightroom Team” video up on his blog. This time around he’s featuring Andrew Rahn.

• Scott Bourne featured this site in his “Favorite online places to get more info about photography” post. Now I realize you’re already here so you don’t need a link but the rest of the article is worth reading because there’s some cool links as well.

• Kubota Imaging Tools has announced the RPG SpeedKeys keyboard for Lightroom. I was able to demo one of the RPG key’s keyboards a while back and love it. Its for all those people that ask “Isn’t there a keyboard shortcut for [insert your favorite command here]?”. You can even program keys for presets and lots of other stuff. The only problem I’ve had with it is the price but if you’re a working
pro and you save 15 minutes a week with it you’ll get your money back pretty quick. Here’s a youtube video to see more.

• I get a lot of questions about watermarking photos from within Lightroom – especially when websites are concerned. Sean McCormack did a quick little tutorial on how to use plug-in developer, Timothy Armes’, LR Morgify plug-in to actually watermark photos for your Lightroom web gallery. It’s a little clunky (not because of Sean but because LR just doesn’t have this feature built in) but I’ve got to admit, its one of the best options I’ve seen.

Have a great day!



  1. arun 25 August, 2009 at 03:12 Reply

    To get the resizing to work correctly with LR2/Mogrify plugin when u are using watermarks, you need to resize the photo using LR2/Mogrify plugin option “Morgify resizing option” Works well for me even with cropped photos

  2. Don 14 August, 2009 at 21:45 Reply

    Its the guy who stuck his hand in your goo and then NERFED you with your own gun. There is a iphone app that will turn your iphone into a programable keypad. I think you guys should high light local photo studios ( myself) .Call it NAPP Studio Attack. Come in and find out what we’re doing wrong and what we’re doing right. Use it as a teaching tool. I am a make it urself type of photographer. (McGiver)


  3. Dominik 14 August, 2009 at 03:39 Reply

    thanks for the tutorial link regarding LR2/Mogrify plugin.
    I am using this to watermark regularly for my online gallery and encountered an interesting issue – if you use export presets for e.g. different file sizes with watermarks the settings for LR2/Mogrify stay the same on a second export even if you change the preset. This may lead to wrong-sized watermarks or picture crops.
    If you do the second export one more time everything is fine again.
    As a workaround I start with a single photo each export and then repeat this export with the whole bunch.

    Would be great if anyone knew to fix this 😉

  4. Mike M. 13 August, 2009 at 18:29 Reply

    Hi Andreas,

    There’s a write-up in the “Lightroom News” in the September issue of Photoshop User about this. The plug-in allows you to manage your video assets alongside your stills, but because Lightroom doesn’t support video, you can’t play the files in Lightroom. You can launch the video in whatever app is appropriate for your OS, or you can use the simple player that comes with the plug-in. When you launch the video, it will appear in a separate window.

    Jeffrey’s plug-ins are really good and he updates them regularly. All of his plug-ins are donationware. Download it and give it a shot. It’s fully functional for six weeks, then it costs $.01 to activate. You may donate any amount you think is appropriate.

    I hope this helps.


  5. Andreas 13 August, 2009 at 17:19 Reply

    Hi Matt,

    I have found a video plug in for Lightroom – escpecially, when I think on the Nikon D300s movie features. Here is the link:
    Do you know this plug in ? Any comments on it ? Is it worth a click ? Are there other options to import movies in Lightroom ?
    Maybe you can discuss this topic in one of your next tips.


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