
Weekly Worth-a-click

Here’s a few things that I found worth a quick visit this week.

• Adobe is putting on an eSeminar series for professional photographers. It’s free so if you’re around, you should plan on attending.

• Famous wedding photographer, David Ziser, just kicked off his Digital Wakeup Call seminar tour with dates going through the end of the year. In fact, he’s in Tampa tonight so I’m going to head over there and attend.

• I got caught up at Photoshop World last week so I never got to mention [much to the dismay of many blog readers 🙂 ] that Part 2 of our 3-part off camera flash series is up on

• Nik Software announced that their Color Efex Pro 3 plug-in is now available as a Lightroom plug-in. Plus, the complete edition is on sale now for $75 off. Here’s the link.

• And finally some inspiration. If you like landscape photography then check this one out.

Enjoy your Wednesday everyone!



  1. Andre Messier 7 April, 2009 at 19:37 Reply

    Focal Extender Plug-in for Lightroom

    This Plug-in is for adding metadata about extender for lens. Also it’s allow adding of metadata for effective focal lenght and aperture, if the body don’t detect the extender. The metadata required a manually input.

    More details and screen capture on lightroom section of my web site :

  2. Roland Fredrickson 3 April, 2009 at 01:26 Reply

    the tutorials & help books just don’t cover the import phase of L R adequately… i’ve had L R for two years & still can’t get the hang how to setup the import dialogs , the import area isn’t very user friendly . just can’t grasp how L R thinks . have lost many images , cause L R can’t find them ?? i’ve spent so much time on this and threatened to just give up many times ….. very discouraging ,i need a generic dialog setup that can be left alone so i don’t have to read a help book each time i import , as of now i only have approx 1000 images in it not many for two years of frustration . i do like the develop module however .
    thanx Roland

  3. Ced 2 April, 2009 at 22:18 Reply

    Hi Matt – Really like the blog but I’ve an off-topic comment (don’t know how else to reach you – would have preferred email for this). On the 3/30 PhotoshopUserTV you commented on the high price of getting to Hawaii as contrasted with the more reasonable trip to Florida for a cruise. For us in the west, it’s kinda the other way around. Remember, your show is national/international – not local.

  4. Cindy 2 April, 2009 at 21:48 Reply

    Hey Matt- awesome site -Landscapes 2.0 (“If you like landscape photography then check this one out”). Also if you are ever looking for some tutorial suggestions ,how about some more info on the web design capabilites of Lightroom. Do you guys ever sleep? Thanks, Cindy

  5. Boone 1 April, 2009 at 19:16 Reply

    Oh no! Seems I missed the $75/off complete collection… I was very interested in the collection. Guess I need to read LRKT in the morning, not after work. :/

  6. mattk 1 April, 2009 at 14:09 Reply

    Angey – Sure thing.

    Gavin – Not sure what you mean here. I’ve never heard anyone complain about the JPEG conversion. There is definitely a loss in quality and the tutorial I would do would be very quick. The trick to better quality is really to use a higher quality setting. You’ll get larger files but less will be compressed.

    Howard – me too!

    Will – Thank you SOOOO much. I really appreciate the kind words. It seems like there have been a lot of cranky people lately around on the web. But this blog always has a group of really nice folks that follow, and its my pleasure to do what I do. You guys make it worth it!

    Matt K

  7. Will B. 1 April, 2009 at 12:11 Reply

    Matt, You’ve got a great thing going here on LRKT – clear concise tips, inspiration & all around useful news & presets. Not much of a comment on this post, I know, but rather a big ‘ol ‘Thank You’ for your work & dedication to this site as well as DtownTV. =)

  8. Gavin F 1 April, 2009 at 11:39 Reply

    Hey Matt, no idea how to get hold of you, so I’m trying this route. Please excuse this being off-topic. How about showing us a video about what exactly Lightroom’s terribad JPEG conversion is doing to our carefully adjusted RAW images when we export? Maybe with some tips on what to avoid or how to adjust a snapshot or virtual copy to compensate for the JPEG compression? This is an issue that has been bothering myself and a large group of digital photography friends for some time now.

  9. Angey Price 1 April, 2009 at 08:54 Reply

    Will you post your thoughts after the Digital Wakeup Call seminar tonight? I’m considering attending, and would love to hear your thoughts on it. Thanks!

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