Underutilized Yet Still Awesome Lightroom Feature: Quick Collections
This is one of those lesser used, but incredibly helpful features and Adobe’s own Benjamin Warde is here with a 60-second tip on using Quick Collections:
Thanks, Benjamin.
I’m out here in Vegas, baby!
I’m doing a site inspection/planning visit to the Mirage Resort & Casino, home of our West Coast Photoshop World Conference in 2019. Put it on your calendar now for next August out in Vegas. 🙂
Have a good one, everybody!
Excellent summary of a very useful feature. I recently used Quick Collection to gather photos from numerous folders on several hard drives for a Blurb book I’m creating. When an elderly aunt died earlier this year, Quick Collection was the perfect tool to help me collect photos I found scattered in many different folders (for display in a rolling photo show at the funeral home). Also used it to organize images for a photo calendar (following an examle Scott Kelby used in a recent book, I believe).
If Benjamin had more time, I’m sure he would have noted that a Quick Collection can easily be turned into a “regular” Collection: right-click on Quick Collection, select “Save Quick Collection”.
Thanks Benjamin, thanks Scott; love Killer Tips!