Two New Contests!
If you’re the contest-liking type then you’ve got a couple of really great opportunities here.
1) Scott Kelby is running a contest on his blog for sports-shooters. Basically, you submit your best sports photo (you can’t be a pro shooter though). Mike Olivella (a pro shooter himself) along with Scott will pick their favorite. The winner will get flown to Tallahassee, FL to shoot a Florida State Seminoles game (boo!!!! Sorry, I’m a South Florida Bulls fan) on the sidelines with Mike and Scott. There’s lots more to it so check out Scott’s blog for a video.
2) Layers Magazine is running a sweet contest called “How CS4 Saved the Day”. You submit your story about how CS4, well, saved your day. Each week they pick a winner and you get lots of free software and prizes. At the end, they’ll pick a grand prize winner who gets the entire Creative Suite Design Premium, a ticket to Photoshop World, Kelby Training subscriptions and lots of other free stuff. You can find out more about it here.
Good luck!
you must remember, each program requires alot of ram, 1gb is min for each, so if you have 2gb your sharing that between all open programs, your os is also using that so if you had 4gb of ram you really only have 1.5gb avail to everything else. another issue is drivers and conflicts. it may be a driver conflict on a programs driver and a third party driver. i think at times technology moves faster that it should. looking at the dell Precision computers at their site, the T7500 specs are: Up to 192GB7 with dual processors installed. Three channel memory architecture per processor with 1333 MHz and 1066MHz DDR3 ECC Registered DIMM memory.
Up to 12 DIMM slots; 6 slots (2 per channel) on motherboard and additional 6 slots on optional 2nd processor riser card. The 2nd processor has an integrated memory controller which provides an additional 3 channels of memory bandwidth.
The T7500 supports up to 192GB of memory with Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
Personally. i just build my own computers. baesed on what i will use it for.
quad core 1333, 8gb ram nvidia quadro fx.
i use a seperate hard drive dedicated to only os and programs. a second internal hd for scratch disk and working on files. i only have installed the programs i will be using (adobe suite and any other plugins or related programs) that computer does not go online and any updates for adobe and such i download to another computer dedicated to online use and install updates from a burned disc. i dont up date the os , its not online and has no need for the security up dates. this keeps the processes down that are running. i do have a virus program on it to just have that safety net against contamination.
if you are using your computer for biz, its a great way to have a smoother running machine and having a seperate machine for online use keeps viruses out.
something worth a look into.
i’m not saying that there are no bugs in adobe or any other programs. but with the fast pace of today and trying to keep up, all software has its bugs at first and im sure its known at release and it will be addressed as an update later so that it can get into the market at the proper time along with the competition.
Ron, I am on a pretty powerful Dell that is designed to be a mutimedia graphics work-station (Dell Precision all souped up with maxed out memory and graphics card etc) and I have many of the same problems that Lior mentioned. Admittedly I run multiple apps at once, but in this day and age that should not cause crashes if I am just in Captivate and Photoshop … It was fine in CS3, and when we upgraded, it started having all sorts of crash and lock problems (reboot due to crash several times a week – with CS3 it was maybe 1 time every two months – BIG difference!). Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the new features and functionality of CS4, and find it hard to go back to CS3 on my home computer (laptop – only thing crashes on that is Firefox – which is odd in itself since older versions didn’t!) when I have to tweek something … but the crashing, excessive load into video memory, and plain old slowness of some of CS4 that came with the upgrade? I could do without. I cannot afford to only have ONE app open at a time, or to reboot every time I change direction in what I do .. and wasn’t CS4 built to be much more integrated between the components?? Just my two cents. I Love the features, but I do agree that it crashes a lot more … both on XP and Vista.
lior shapira,
have you considered how much ram you have,processor type and speed. do you have more than one app open at a time? How about your graphics card? do you have one, or are you using on board graphics, you know laptops dont make good work stations. don’t be so quick to judgment, not everyone has that issue.
How CS4 saved the day? I was never so disappointed with an Adobe product in my life, as I am with CS4 🙁 it crashes and burns a few times a day, each day (photoshop ,premiere, flash, you name it)