If you’re the contest-liking type then you’ve got a couple of really great opportunities here.

1) Scott Kelby is running a contest on his blog for sports-shooters. Basically, you submit your best sports photo (you can’t be a pro shooter though). Mike Olivella (a pro shooter himself) along with Scott will pick their favorite. The winner will get flown to Tallahassee, FL to shoot a Florida State Seminoles game (boo!!!! Sorry, I’m a South Florida Bulls fan) on the sidelines with Mike and Scott. There’s lots more to it so check out Scott’s blog for a video.

2) Layers Magazine is running a sweet contest called “How CS4 Saved the Day”. You submit your story about how CS4, well, saved your day. Each week they pick a winner and you get lots of free software and prizes. At the end, they’ll pick a grand prize winner who gets the entire Creative Suite Design Premium, a ticket to Photoshop World, Kelby Training subscriptions and lots of other free stuff. You can find out more about it here.

Good luck!
