Lightroom Tips

Tip – Using the Detail Panel for Spots

First off, I wanted to thank everyone for their comments on the Sharpening Workflow video I did the other day. There’s some good follow-up questions to answer that I’ll get to early next week. Now on to the tip: The Detail panel’s preview (in the Develop module) was created to give you a 100% (1:1) view of your image, so you can really see the effects of your sharpening adjustments. But it’s also great to keep it open when you’re removing spots, because you leave the main image at “Fit in Window” size, and still see the area you’re fixing up close in the Detail panel’s preview.



  1. Jake 26 August, 2009 at 08:17 Reply

    How do we ask Matt a specific question?

    I’m having trouble working with smart object from LR…when I merge with the smart object layer (to keep file sizes smaller), I lose the ability to edit later in ACR

    Seems like making your own smart object doesn’t help
    Does anybody have a solution for this?

  2. MG 26 August, 2009 at 04:56 Reply

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