Lightroom Tips

Tip – Naming Your Presets

If you haven’t noticed yet, your Presets panel in the Develop module can get outta control pretty easily. I know that I’ve got over 100 presets and the list still grows. Some I use all the time and some I just keep around to use once in a while. Now, whether you create your own presets or you download them from the web, the one thing we have in common with each other is they all have different names. So here’s a couple of suggestions to help keep things tidy:

1) Since your presets are sorted alphabetically, the A’s come first right? Well, if you put numbers in front of your presets then they’ll appear first (at the top) in the list. So if you have presets you really like and want to see them at the top then put numbers in front of them.

2) If you’re like me you have presets that do the same thing but with different settings. For example, I have white balance presets for each white balance setting in the Develop module. If you name them by their original names (Cloudy, Daylight, Shade), then they’ll show up all over the place in your preset list. Instead, try putting the words “White Balance” in front so your preset name would look like “White Balance – Cloudy” or “White Balance – Daylight”. That way they’ll all stay together in the list under “W”. In this example image I have presets that remove the color saturation in all colors except for one. You can see how naming them appropriately helps out.

By the way, I never really told you how to rename an existing preset. All you have to do is right-click on the name and choose Rename. That’s it 🙂
