Lightroom Tips

Tip – Changing the Picture Package Photo Crop

Woo hoo! It’s Friday which means it’s Tip day. Here’s one on the heels of yesterday’s post about the Picture Package layouts in the print module. I saw a few people posted a question in the comments area that I should have answered while recording the video (but I didn’t). So the question was how to change the crop of the photo inside of the picture package frame. For instance, when I put a photo into a picture package, a person’s head may appear to be cut off because of the way the frame crops it. While not immediately apparent, you can indeed change that. Just hold down the Cmd key on the Mac or the Ctrl key on the PC and click-and-drag to readjust your photo inside the frame. See, I told you it was easy.

Well folks, thanks for following along with me for another week. I hope you have a great weekend!



  1. Bia 15 June, 2009 at 12:24 Reply

    Hi, well, that was a great tip, Thanks!!!! I have a new small problem; when I move the image within the cropmarks. It moves on screen, but not in print or preview. This is something that has just started happening, I don’t think I have altered anything major, but something is going wrong somewhere. Please can you help me!!!!

  2. Chrissy 25 February, 2009 at 03:26 Reply

    Hello Matt, I have been following your tips alot and speaking to Becky Sowada when stuck and she has been brilliant, my major problem has been how to directly ask a question on Lightroom without finally (as today) finding this spot on the comments on Picture Package resolution (brilliant by the way).? Is there an easier way? I would love to have more information on managing Metadata and remember last year a very good video tutorial by Julienne Kost but can’t seem to find it. Are you able to help? Many thaks Chrissy

  3. Steve L 17 February, 2009 at 12:18 Reply

    WOW! Great feature.
    How many times have I tried to do something like this???

    One quick question–there is a yellow warning triangle on the top right of the package when displayed. What does that mean and how can I get rid of that?
    Thanks much!

  4. John S 17 February, 2009 at 00:03 Reply

    This is brilliant. Two years of banging my head against the wall because of how Adobe crippled the picture packages. The possibilities are endless. You can make custom pages for Blurb books straight from LR, be able to print 9 up 4x6s on 13×19 paper with different photo in each space. So many times I have wanted this simple yet so overlooked feature. Huge thanks to you and Enzo!

  5. Jim H Carey 15 February, 2009 at 20:56 Reply

    This will really open up a whole new area of creative layouts especially for people like my wife. She is really into scrapbooking and is currently doing a couple of projects for our son and then our grandson. I expect a lot of Lightroom 2 users to start coming up with nifty new layouts. I can’t wait to show these to my Lightroom Class that I’m teaching at the local camera store.

  6. Mark Healey 14 February, 2009 at 04:55 Reply

    As a Wedding photographer i never bothered much with the print package as it was so restrictive. Now I’m able to compose my shots with no transfer to specialised album software. Enzo ?? is to be congratulated.This software just keeps getting better. Now if i could save my slide show as a video or DVD format i would be set. Although the free software link to pro shot heps. Loving the tips keep up the good work.

  7. Mike V. 14 February, 2009 at 00:30 Reply

    Just watched the video. Enzo is the man! And your the man for showing it to the world! That has got to be probably one of the most exciting things in Lightroom I found out about since it’s incarnation. Don’t get me wrong the brushes and tat were sweet but this is awesome! More reason to love the print panel!!!!! Keep up the great work!

  8. JC 14 February, 2009 at 00:06 Reply

    I can’t get the picture to resize in windows pressing the cntrl key and clicking and dragging only resizes the blue box???

  9. ryan 13 February, 2009 at 23:34 Reply

    Hey great idea, I was actually looking how to do this. But my question is, I cant create a custom page size like 10×10. When I go to page size is does not give me custom option. Am I missing something, it is driving me crazy.

    thanks for the help and I love your site.

  10. Seim Effects 13 February, 2009 at 16:33 Reply

    SWEET! This is the one things I felt was missing.

    I’ve already added some free layout presets on Seim Effects. This opens up whole new possibilities.

    Jason as for background color there’s no straight up way to do it, but you can use the method of making a solid color image and rendering it as an identity plate behind the images (from the overlay panel) Matt has a video about making black background somewhere on here.

    Also many may know this, but some seem confused by it. While you can’t export the result directly you can use select the printer as “JPEG” and then print to file. that way to have a JPEG to send to printer ect. (at least in LR2 you can)

    So cool. Thanks Matt… Gav

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