Tip – A Bunch of Crop Tool Tips
It’s Friday and I’m heading up north to shoot my sister-in-law’s wedding. Wish me luck 🙂 Anyway, I figured I’d close out the week with a few crop tool tips.
• Press R to get to the Crop Tool. It works even if you’re in the Library module.
• Once you’re in Crop mode press the letter O (for Overlay) to change the overlays that you see on your photo. They’ll toggle between the rule of thirds, a grid, and several other overlays that you’ll never use 😉
• Press A to toggle between constraining/not constraining to the aspect ratio
• Press Cmd-Shift-R (PC: Ctrl-Shift-R) to reset your crop all together.
• If you’ve changed the Aspect Ratio on a previous photo then press the letter S to set that same aspect ratio for the next photo.
• And finally, a really cool way to crop is to go into Crop mode. Then press the letter L twice to go into Lights Out mode. Now you have your photo in crop mode with none of the clutter of the interface. Press L again to get out of Lights Out mode.
Happy cropping and have a great weekend.
I have both of your LR 6 kindle books and I am trying to figure out how to lock a crop ratio of 16×9. I have tried setting the aspect ratio and then locking the lock & it does not hold for the next photo. It goes back to Original. Any suggestions?
Hi Matt!
First of all, thank you for this great site. it helped me out a lot !
I have a challenge for you 🙂
I have a nice big photo which I want to print on a 3-part canvas so that, when put next to each other, the 3 parts form the original image.
I have to print 3 photos, 36×46 cm each, taking into account that 3 cm of each side of the print will be wrapped around the frame, so it wont be visible. The result would be three framed photos 30×40 cm each. I don’t know how can i use the crop tool to export 3 images from the original one, so in the end, after wrapping the photo on the frame, the remaining visible parts match perfectly.
Any ideas would be GREATLY appreciated.
It’s command-option-R to reset the crop. (As others have pointed out, shift-command-R will reset everything, not just the crop.)
DJ: didn’t know the ctrl-drag shortcut. Thanks!
Hey Matt,
BTW, afer LTR killer tips your iTunes podcast includes links without files.
Could you please fix them?
I love the A short cut and the S short cut. I am sure I will use those a lot.
Thanks Cindy – the “H” key in crop mode is a nice hide/show toggle for the overlays, I didn’t know that one – a lot more flexible than what I suggested.
I’d love to see some of the wedding photos!
“What I want to know is: Is there anyway to turn the overlays off entirely when in crop mode?”
Try toggling the “H” key to hide/show.
Cool tips. Thanks Lyle
Thanks for the tips, Lyle. I can’t tell you how much swearing I was doing this week dealing with just this subject and in a few short words you solved it. Well done.
Thanks, Iyle!
@DJ – thanks, I have need to do this a lot and the tip is much appreciated. (CTRL and drag line to set angle of crop.)
If you go to the View | Tool Overlay area you can set it to Never Show 🙂
What I want to know is: Is there anyway to turn the overlays off entirely when in crop mode?
Best regards,
Thanks, I didn’t know that Lights Out Mode worked in the crop tool!
One additional shortcut from me. Hold Ctrl (I guess Cmd on MAC) and drag a line along the horizon to straighten your image.
I’m lucky to have two displays so when I crop I bring up the image on the second display and can view my crop in real time as I adjust it, leaving the interface controls visible to me on the first display.
Great tips!
Thanks for the shortcuts.
Another quick one to add is the Shift-O (PC) key combination when the overlay is active to rotate the orientation of the crop overlays…
Beware … Ctrl-Shift-R is not a “Reset Crop” combination, but rather “Reset All Settings”, i.e. it will also reset all sliders and everything else you have changed.
Holy crop…didn’t know the CMD-SHIFT-R one…Cheers
Have a great shoot Matt, oh and remember ‘back up’!!!
All the best,
And we could take it one step further,
make it a Horsing around with the crop tool tip..lol
Scott Kelby jokes 🙂
Wouldn’t this be better suited as “A Crop of Crop Tool Tips”????
Get it – farm humor? Maybe not.
Kevin T.
And O to cycle through the different crop lines.