DevelopEventsFeaturedLightroom Coffee Break

Time for a Lightroom Coffee Break: Sharpening with the View Mask Feature

It’s Tuesday, that must mean it’s time for a Lightroom Coffee Break, from Adobe’s own Benjamin Warde. It’s only one-minute long, but he shares a really great, somewhat hidden feature that is incredibly useful when it comes to sharpening:

Pretty sweet, right? 🙂

Thanks for stopping by, and hope to stop by tomorrow!



P.S. Don’t forget, I’m in Dallas, Texas next week with the final stop on my Shoot Like a Pro Tour. Hope you can come out and spend the day with me. 



  1. Neil Partridge 8 December, 2016 at 00:52 Reply

    Fantastic tip! These kinds of targeted tips work so well for people like me who use LR often but only skim the surface of its functions. I like the very brief description of the problem… Less really is more!

  2. Paul C 7 December, 2016 at 06:23 Reply

    Hi Scott – Sharpening crops up again when printing or exporting, etc – It would be really nice to hear when we put the should put the punch into sharpening at what stage. For example, I ALWAYS export my jpgs at the highest level of output sharpening if for the Screen, as medium seems pretty subtle; is this the best thing or should I be cranking a little extra in using the Detail panel (which always seems a very aggressive way to sharpen)?

  3. Dennis Zito 6 December, 2016 at 07:29 Reply

    Hey Scott,

    Opt (Mac) Alt (PC) when held down will give a B&W appearance to the photo with all Sharpening Sliders, which is quite helpful for sharpening an image. I use it all the time when doing sharpening.



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