Three Questions About Lightroom CC I Still Get a Lot
Happy Monday, ya’ll.
First, I want to give a very warm welcome to our awesome new columnist here on, Lightroom expert extraordinaire Mr. Rob Sylvan. His new column will appear here on Wednesdays, and he kicked it off with a BANG last week, with an awesome article on creating Filter Presets (something I know I’ve never covered here, but they’re so helpful). Here’s the link in case you missed it. Hope you all will make Rob feel right at home.
Anyway, I’m so glad to have Rob here sharing his Lightroom love with you guys. #robrules! 🙂
OK, onto three questions I still get asked a lot about Lightroom CC:
Q. Do have to keep Lightroom 5 or Lightroom 6 on my computer after I upgrade to CC?
A. No, you do not. You can run the uninstaller that should be right there beside your old Lightroom application to remove your old version — you don’t have to have an old version to run the new version. A copy of your previous Lightroom 6 catalog will be updated to be compatible with the latest CC version, so all your sorting, edits, metadata, etc., will all still be intact.
Q. Does running Lightroom in a browser work OK?
A. You don’t run it in a browser — you download it to your computer just like you would any other application. Don’t let the name “Creative Cloud” throw you — just think of it as the “Adobe Online Store” where you download applications like Lightroom and Photoshop, which run just like they always did — right on your computer, in the days before the words “Creative Cloud.” By the way — I still get asked this question multiple times at every single seminar I do, so don’t feel bad if you didn’t know either.
Q. What happens to my photos if at some point I stop my CC subscription? What happens to my copy of Lightroom?
A. You store your images on your computer (or hopefully an external hard drive) just like always, so if you decide to stop your subscription, your photos will all be right where you left them. As for what happens to your copy of Lightroom CC — it’s really just one main thing — they turn off your Develop module. All your changes, edits, collections, metadata — even the ability to print, export images, sort images, create slideshows, etc. all work. So do all the other modules except Develop with the possible exception (if I remember correctly, which there’s a 50/50 chance here I’m wrong/right here) of the Map module. If I remember correctly it was because the Map module uses a commercially licensed version of Google Maps, and Adobe would still get charged for your use of it even though you’re no longer paying to be a subscriber, so I think that gets disabled too, but again, I’m not 100% sure on the Maps part.
Well, I hope that helps answer a few questions I get still get asked quite a bit.
Hope you all have an awesome Monday, and if you come back here tomorrow, I’ll bet you’ll be glad you did. 🙂
P.S. Did you see this? (Below) – that’s where I’m going next with my Lightroom On Tour full-day seminar. Come on out and spend the day with me. It’s $89 if you sign up early. Only $99 if ya don’t. Include lots of awesome freebies and it’s 100% money back guaranteed if it doesn’t totally rock (don’t worry, it will totally rock).