FeaturedLightroom VideosThe Lightroom Show

“The Lightroom Show” Episode #11 is Finally (finally!) Here!

So sorry for getting this out so late today — we had a technical glitch that kept this awesome, awesome Lightroom CC episode sitting on a server somewhere, but now it’s free to roam out there on the interwebs.

It’s our first episode talking about Lightroom CC, so we cover a bit in this episode (which is slightly longer than our regular episodes). Also, if you watched any of our four live Webinars Tuesday, some of this is going to be stuff you’ve already heard, but we have a few new things thrown in just for good measure. I’m covering the new Panos feature, RC’s doing (of course) HDR, and I talk about the LR Mobile updates (and the fact that it’s now on Android tablets).

Our featured photographer this episode is Eric Kim (here’s the link to check him and his very cool work out).

Again, sorry for the VERY late release. We think we have this fixed going forward, so shouldn’t happen again.


Sc0tt & RC



  1. camille 23 March, 2017 at 06:05 Reply

    According to books, a veteran Photoshop developer Mark Hamburg began a new project, code-named Shadowland. Hamburg contacted Andrei Herasimchuk, former interface designer for the Adobe Creative Suite, to get the project off the ground. The new project was a deliberate departure from many of Adobe’s established conventions. 40% of Photoshop Lightroom is written using the scripting language Lua. In 2002 Hamburg finally left the Photoshop project and in fall of the same year he passed around a first experimental software sample that bear the name PixelToy to his former team mate Jeff Schewe for review, and later in middle 2003 presented a first version of Shadowland in a very early UI version to him. After a few years of research by Hamburg, Herasimchuk, Sandy Alves, the former interface designer on the Photoshop team, and Grace Kim, a product researcher at Adobe, the Shadowland project got momentum around 2004. However, Herasimchuk chose to leave Adobe Systems at that time to start a Silicon Valley design company. Hamburg then chose Phil Clevenger, a former associate of Kai Krause’s, to create a new look for the application.

  2. http://www.curryanything.com/ 23 July, 2016 at 05:33 Reply

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  25. http://www.howtobookatrip.com/ 16 March, 2016 at 10:52 Reply

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    ちょうど5ヶ月前には、タグホイヤー大使のF1レーサーたちは、2007年ブラジルサンパウロ国際自動車連盟の1級の方程式選手権で記録した全ての前の3名の記録。アカザのコーニングはシーズン終瞭時は維持したタイトルで、その後は現在佳新ドライバーハミルトンと二回の世界チャンピオンメダリストアロンソ。パネライ時計コピーそして3月16日の日曜日、1級の方程式をオーストラリア大会でメルボルン再着火発動。トップな時計工場のように何度も自動車レース、スポンサーに参加して、そして自分の大使に登って表彰台で珍しくない;しかし三位と上位に登場の大使は初めて。ブラジルでの1級の方程式の大会で、三人ともかぶって最新の豪雅グランCarrera腕時計—デザインセンス源于伝奇と神話の色を示し、彼らは前衛的な潮流の投入と情熱。 http://www.bestevance.com/rolex/mirugausu/index.htm

  27. グランド跡地に壊れた1年後に、ウブロ2ブランドの自身の個人的なビッグバンへの構造的な証拠です。ウブロ1は2009年に開かれるだけでした、しかし、ブランドによって速く大きくなって、 5 March, 2016 at 14:22 Reply

    グランド跡地に壊れた1年後に、ウブロ2ブランドの自身の個人的なビッグバンへの構造的な証拠です。ウブロ1は2009年に開かれるだけでした、しかし、ブランドによって速く大きくなって、その最初の2007年にブティックを開いたというだけでは、まだ現在のような世界に誇って73店舗。coreta nyon建築事務所が設計し、新しいサイトウブロは次の5年にわたって100の新しいワークステーションを設置するのを許します、そして、400人をその地元の労働力を発達させます。 http://www.bagkakaku.com/vuitton_bag/2/N55213.html

  28. 「腕時計の時計の文化」と晴れた夜冷温ひっそりと、美しい月光に撒き広大な大地、透ける涼しげな風が、その時の窓口に座って、感じて1筋の月光、呼吸の音に耳を傾け、特にない目的の 5 March, 2016 at 14:22 Reply

    「腕時計の時計の文化」と晴れた夜冷温ひっそりと、美しい月光に撒き広大な大地、透ける涼しげな風が、その時の窓口に座って、感じて1筋の月光、呼吸の音に耳を傾け、特にない目的の星空を見上げて……嬌羞に浸る少女の記憶の中で、幸せなシーンが見え隠れする。ロレックススーパーコピー女の光鲜亮丽必要際立たせて、女の高貴で優雅が女の賛美、一顰一笑必要に関心を持って、私の目の中で、一番に分かることができブルガリさんを、高貴で、純情と知性。それは良い生活の点滴に女性の美しさを、この美を溶け込むジュエリーと腕時計のデザインの中に、時間の流れも命が、色、軌跡、明るい歳月の時間の中で。 http://www.ooobag.com/wallet/louisvuitton/index_12.html

  29. 中国に進出して50年余りの日本シチズン会社、50歳の年に「ネット」、中国で控えめ起動時計ネット直販。1月24日、本紙記者からシチズン時計(中国)有限公司(略称シチズン」)による 5 March, 2016 at 14:22 Reply

    中国に進出して50年余りの日本シチズン会社、50歳の年に「ネット」、中国で控えめ起動時計ネット直販。1月24日、本紙記者からシチズン時計(中国)有限公司(略称シチズン」)によると、2007年の試運転の1段の時間後、IWC スーパーコピーシチズン中国でネット直販公式サイトが開通し、2008年には一層の発展。 http://www.fujisanbrand.com/pack/buygo/index_6.html

  30. ウブロ1のウブロ2に移行し、現在は社内製造設備の大半を内蔵している。鼓膜を麻痺させるいくつかのcnc機械の騒音ウブロ2の第1のフロアを支配します。熟練した機械工の各成分のウブロの 5 March, 2016 at 14:21 Reply

    ウブロ1のウブロ2に移行し、現在は社内製造設備の大半を内蔵している。鼓膜を麻痺させるいくつかのcnc機械の騒音ウブロ2の第1のフロアを支配します。熟練した機械工の各成分のウブロの厳格な基準を正確に設計を確実にする努力。その古い時計用語でないことにもかかわらず、ウブロの名前の品質と同義です。 IWC時計コピー その35年の歴史を通して、ウブロおそらく大胆なデザインでより広く関係していました、しかし、この新しい機能は、ブランドについて真剣に発達する評判の時計市場で深刻な革新者としてであることを示した。 http://www.ooobrand.com/distribution/index.html

  31. ビトンコピー,グッチコピー,エルメスコピー,シャネルコピーを初め世界中 有名なスーパーコピーブランドを激安で通販しております,自1854年以来、見物する今のルイヴィトンは優れた品質 5 March, 2016 at 14:21 Reply

    ビトンコピー,グッチコピー,エルメスコピー,シャネルコピーを初め世界中 有名なスーパーコピーブランドを激安で通販しております,自1854年以来、見物する今のルイヴィトンは優れた品質、傑出なアイデアと工芸ファッション旅行芸術の象徴。製品のシリーズを含むハンドバッグ、旅行用品、小型皮具スーパーコピーブランド、スカーフやアクセサリー、履物、成衣、腕時計、高級ジュエリーや個性的なカスタマイズサービスなど。これらの製品を大切にし、代表しているのはルイヴィトンは卓越した工芸の承諾。スーパーコピーブランドルイヴィトン公式サイトでは、製品は男性、さんLVハンドバッグ、バッグ、財布、靴、腕時計、ベルト、宝石など、もっと新型LV製品画像価格及びLouis Vuittonブランドと完璧な技術、ルイヴィトン中国公式サイトにログインしてください! http://www.ooowatch.com/tokei/hermes/index.html

  32. スーパーコピーブランド完璧な品質●在庫情報随時更新!(*^-^*)S/SS品質 シリアル付きも有り付属品完備! 全物品運賃無料(日本全国)不良品物情況、無償で交換します.税関没収する商品は再度 5 March, 2016 at 14:21 Reply

    スーパーコピーブランド完璧な品質●在庫情報随時更新!(*^-^*)S/SS品質 シリアル付きも有り付属品完備! 全物品運賃無料(日本全国)不良品物情況、無償で交換します.税関没収する商品は再度無料で発送します.安心して、安全に引き渡します.偽物カルティエスーパーコピー商品広大な客を歓迎して買います!ブランドバッグブランド財布ブランド腕時計 http://www.newkakaku.com/gb1.htm

  33. 今回のピーターSpearke-Marinさん携帯からブランドの創立以来の多くの代表作を含めて、ウブロ時計コピーMARIN-1など、MARIN-2やUnique piece限定版Piccadilly Panda、ゴッドオブTime、Thalassaなど経典之作 5 March, 2016 at 14:20 Reply

    今回のピーターSpearke-Marinさん携帯からブランドの創立以来の多くの代表作を含めて、ウブロ時計コピーMARIN-1など、MARIN-2やUnique piece限定版Piccadilly Panda、ゴッドオブTime、Thalassaなど経典之作。優雅に味わいがあるとして、工芸非凡象徴伝統タブ造詣と優雅な手本が融合した腕時計傑作集まった一人一人のゲストの心が折れ、当日現場賓客と時計師を思い切り歓談霊感とタブと心得て、喜びの優雅な雰囲気の中で、共に楽のどかな午後の時間。 http://www.gginza.com/%E6%99%82%E8%A8%88/%E3%83%AD%E3%83%AC%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%82%B9/daytona/07a18fdca7e3553b.html

  34. 10代が終われば就職する人が過半数を占めるため自分のお金で有名ブランドの財布にお金をかけられるのですが、いつの世も一流ブランドの財布コピーの贈り物は若者に大喜びされますよ! 5 March, 2016 at 14:19 Reply

    10代が終われば就職する人が過半数を占めるため自分のお金で有名ブランドの財布にお金をかけられるのですが、いつの世も一流ブランドの財布コピーの贈り物は若者に大喜びされますよ!とりわけ女性は、海外の通販を活用してブランドの製品を買い求める知識があまりない人が多いため、日本以外の通販を有効に使えていない方が多いのです。 http://www.brandiwc.com/brand-1-copy-0.html

  35. エルメス時計スーパーコピー ビート秒針について非常にクールなことはそれがこのメカニズムが働く方法を見ることができる運動の白骨化したオーバービューが存在するということです。 5 March, 2016 at 14:18 Reply

    エルメス時計スーパーコピー ビート秒針について非常にクールなことはそれがこのメカニズムが働く方法を見ることができる運動の白骨化したオーバービューが存在するということです。実際には、これは私が考えることができる最初の時間を私は死んでいる秒針が実行される(図を見た。私はディウィットの時間の2つの理由のためにこのようにして設計されたデウィット・学界は思っています。1つの特定のからくりを死者の秒針が動くのを許す見解を提供するために、第2のように微妙なのが「これは、確かにではなく、クォーツ時計です。」 http://www.brandiwc.com/brand-super-14-copy-0.html

  36. Filomena 26 December, 2015 at 02:14 Reply

    December 4, 2011I’m so excited just fhnesiid bringing in all my digi supplies and tagged them with designer and kit!! This class has been so helpful. I wouldn’t have done it without all your great videos and tips. I’m looking forward to getting more tags done and getting creative again. Thanks again!

  37. Jeffrey Mendelsohn 3 May, 2015 at 22:57 Reply

    Even though my graphic card was supported, lightroom CC kept crashing. Turned it off in the preferences, and the crashes stopped.

  38. Rob 2 May, 2015 at 17:08 Reply

    Now IF Adobe would do LR CC only for around Eur 5 a month I might be tempted. LR and PS CC for >12 Euros when I hardly ever use PS, as 99.9% I can do in LR, is just too much.

  39. David 2 May, 2015 at 11:23 Reply

    The move to create a LR6 and LR CC is a statement to the world that Adobe is preparing to leave the consumer and prosumer out of future feature updates. It’s very frustrating for those of us who do not make money with our cameras, but enjoy the digital darkroom process. I have been fine with updating my digital darkroom every 18-24 months at an average cost of $40 per year. I cannot justify $120 per year when I make no money from my hobby. By the way, each new version of LR gives 2 or more reasons not to need photoshop and the few times I do need it, I go to my stand alone version of Photoshop CS5.
    It’s clearly Adobe’s choice to do this, I’m just disappointed to see them move in this direction.

  40. Jeremy Alderton 30 April, 2015 at 16:05 Reply

    I’ve got to disagree with you regarding using only 2 images for HDR. A quick check shows considerable noise in the two image result. This noise is not present in the three image one. All settings were exactly the same (Auto Align=ON, Auto Tone=ON,Deghost=MEDIUM). Exposure-wise they appear identical, but viewing at 2:1 shows a lot of noise.

  41. Magno Lima 27 April, 2015 at 03:11 Reply

    Hi guys

    I love LR, but this new version is very buggy. In less than 1/2 day, I had to restart LR several times. Sometimes the right-hand panel or many menu commands are grey out. In one point I deleted a photo and LR deleted another and I had to retrieve the photo from the bin.

    Adobe needs to release a patch shortly, a professional-grade software cannot be that unpredictable.

    • Rob Sylvan 27 April, 2015 at 10:28 Reply

      Hi Paul,

      No, you can still purchase a perpetual license (upgrade or full) for Lightroom 6 (the non-CC version is referred to as Lightroom 6). It is a bit buried on the Adobe web site, but it is there. It will probably be available via Amazon and other retailers too.

  42. Dirk 26 April, 2015 at 06:18 Reply

    About the speed update: I was realy dissapointed when I saw my graphics card is not supported (ATI radeon 5850). Photoshop does seem to support it.

    any chance they will support slightly older graphics cards in the future?

  43. Paul Kloeden 25 April, 2015 at 18:34 Reply

    Hi guys, another great show. I hope you realise how much these shows are appreciated, right across the globe.

    I have a question which is not related to this particular episode but am hoping you might have a Lightroom Killer Tip. I recently bought a Nikon D7200 which has dual SD cards. I have it set so that card 2 is a backup of card 1; ie when I take a shot, a raw file is saved on both cards. The file name of each image is the same on both cards.

    When importing into Lightroom CC from the camera Lightroom sees both cards as one source, both appear merged in the source window with two copies of each file, neither greyed-out, and each image having the same file name. I have ‘do not import duplicates’ checked but this seems to only apply to images already on my hard drive.

    Upon importing both copies are copied to my hard drive, one with the original file name and the second with a “-2” added.

    I had hoped that Lightroom would allow me to import either one or both of the cards; that it would have recognised that there were two cards and given the necessary options. This doesn’t appear to be the case.

    Unless you have some Killer Tip, I guess I am left with the options of 1)using a card reader; or 2)taking the backup card out of the camera before importing; or 3)manually unchecking the duplicate files in the import window.

    Thanks and keep up the great work.


    • lyle 26 April, 2015 at 11:08 Reply

      I’d pull one card if you’re not going to get a card reader. 🙂

      If you choose to just pull them all in without removing a card, you can isolate the duplicates post-import; Library | Find | “Text” word | choose -> Filename – ends with – -2.nef (or whatever your raw extension is). You can then select the duplicates in one whack. Test and verify it will grab what you need, absent Adobe implementing card selection on import from a camera.

  44. Joe 25 April, 2015 at 12:45 Reply

    Are you sure you are not employed by Adobe? First five minutes seemed like a big ad. Yes, $9.99 is great until they raise the price or if you a retired.

    Overall I enjoy watching but…

  45. George 25 April, 2015 at 11:55 Reply

    Hi RC and Scott

    As for as Lightroom CC vs Lightroom 6 for fans of this application living north of the border, the constant change in the CDN dollar vs US dollar for myself plays a role. I wonder if Adobe did decide to put a fix Canadian dollars price on line might help a more photographers go with the CC version. For now I will stick with LR 6 and your great videos so keep us in mind.

  46. Winston Mitchell 25 April, 2015 at 11:10 Reply

    Assuming upgrades happen every two years
    Lightroom CC costs $120/year.
    Lightroom n costs $40/year.

    • Rob Sylvan 27 April, 2015 at 10:33 Reply

      I realize that the CC subscription is not for everyone, and it is great that Adobe continues to offer a non-sub option for those who need it, but to be fair, if you are doing that comparison you also need to include that the latest version of Photoshop and Lightroom Mobile (and all new updates that are released in that time frame) are included in the $120 price. Then if your assumption of 2 years is wrong your estimate for the perpetual license goes up.

      • Dale Garman 2 May, 2015 at 11:29 Reply

        This extra stuff is only valuable if you need it and I likewise have calculated that this is an incredible price increase. This is really about Adobe’s bottom line not the user. I’m fine with that, but as a customer I don’t have to buy it. I have had respect for Scott but I do get a bit tired of him being a shill for Adobe although I realize his whole business model depends on lots of sheep going the CC route.

        But most of all, once you move to CC it seems like the Hotel California, you can check out any time but you can never leave. If a vendor wants to raise the price for their product by over 100%, then they need to provide some value for that price increase. In this case if you ever decide to stop paying the fee, every picture you ever touched with CC will lose the hours of editing you did and you must start over with another piece of software. So you are totally at the mercy of Adobe (who has shown little interest in many of their customers, just try to find LR6 on their web site or ask for any support) who decides what price they want to charge and then decides what features if any they want to upgrade. This is no longer a place where you decide if there is something useful before you upgrade. Now I have loyally upgraded to each version of LR and PS, although now I rarely use PS as LR has become more useful.

        Besides that this appears to be a very buggy release. As far as I can tell no AMD cards work for graphics acceleration even though they work in regular PS and in video and in other kinds of software that uses graphics cards. Scott is all excited about how fast it is, but so far I have only seen comments of people who actually find it substantially slower, even with the graphics option checked. So this one seems to be half baked right now. Every time I use Slideshow it freezes up my entire machine and I have to reboot.

        • lyle 4 May, 2015 at 09:48 Reply

          ” In this case if you ever decide to stop paying the fee, every picture you ever touched with CC will lose the hours of editing you did and you must start over with another piece of software. ”

          Not quite that dire. You can still run the product and export your edited files as TIFF or something else to preserve your work in it’s latest edited state. You can also Print and do Library functions, Print. It’s just the Develop Module (and maybe Web) that’s disabled from making changes. I think you can also apply quick edits and develop module presets from Library if I read right in summer 2014 when they announced their out-of-subscription behavior.


  47. Duane Pandorf 25 April, 2015 at 09:56 Reply

    Not sure if I should ask this question here but has anyone else have an issue with LR6 CC’s White Balance Selector Tool? In LR5 once you selected the tool it remained active no matter how many times you picked an area in the photo to sample. I’m on a MacBook Pro running all the latest updates and I have to re-select the tool after I take a sample.

    • lyle 27 April, 2015 at 09:37 Reply

      Behaves the same on Windows 7, GPU accelerated or not. The shortcut key for White Balance dropper is “W”, saves a bit if you’re going to drop into it several times trying several points.

      • lyle 27 April, 2015 at 12:14 Reply

        Thanks Rob – didn’t ever look there. Also can resize the sampling size at same place, or hide that gridded loupe.

  48. FBpj 25 April, 2015 at 06:56 Reply

    Personally, I went with the “perpetual”, Lightroom 6, version. I’m sure CC is a terrific deal, but there’s a possibility I’ll be off the grid, without Internet connection, for more than 30 days, and more than once, and I really cannot risk not being able to edit my pictures in the field. If Adobe changed the license-checking-every-30-days for CC annual plans to, say, license-checking-once-a-year, I’d jump to the CC version.

    • Gary 25 April, 2015 at 10:36 Reply

      Exactly my thought. I’m sure there are people that have a system for their photography that is unplugged from the Interweb. With data breaches on the rise I’m just not thrilled with giving any more information than needed to yet another company online. No one can hack my CD. Sure it all sounds great until Adobe decides $9.99 is too cheap and raises their prices to $19.99 a month or more.

  49. Gary 24 April, 2015 at 20:56 Reply

    Concerning your comment about the licensed version not getting any updates. This is the response I got from Adobe Photoshop Lightroom page: I’ve heard rumors if you buy the CD retail store version of LR6 you won’t qualify for any updates such as 6.1, etc. Is this true?

    Adobe Photoshop Lightroom That is false. Lightroom 6 is eligible for updates through the 6.x cycle.

    What a state of confusion we live in.

    • Rob Sylvan 27 April, 2015 at 10:54 Reply

      The confusion stems from the fact that “updates” can mean different things to different people.

      Adobe is restricted in their ability to release new features to perpetual license products over the life of the product (I think they can do it once in the first quarter after the release or something like that). However they do not have this limitation in regard to new features in a subscription product. So, what does this mean? It means that CC subscribers may see new features come at any time after the release of a new version (we have seen this with Photoshop and Camera Raw). Perpetual license holders will not see new features added after the release of the new version (except for that little window they have in the first quarter that sometimes sees a new feature slip in).

      There is no limit in Adobe’s ability to release bug fixes and support for new cameras and lenses in dot releases over the life of the product. We saw this happen with Lightroom 5 throughout the cycle even though no new features were added.

      In the past cycle, while Lightroom 5 was available through the CC plan or as a perpetual license we did not see any new features added after Lightroom 5.1 even though new features were added to Photoshop and the Camera Raw plugin.

      Therefore, we can only assume that as a result of this change in naming to Lightroom CC 2015 for the subscription product that it is within the realm of possibility that new features may be added before we see a completely new version of Lightroom released, just as we have seen for Photoshop CC. If that is true, then we would also assume that no new features will be added to the perpetual license version of Lightroom 6 (except for that little window of time).

      However, Adobe has stated that the perpetual license of Lightroom 6 will continue to receive bug fixes and support for new cameras as it has in the past.

      tl;dr version:

      LR CC and LR 6 both will see “updates” in the form of bug fixes and new camera/lens support.

      LR CC may also see “updates” in the form of new features, but LR 6 will not.

      • Eric 27 April, 2015 at 14:26 Reply

        Thank you! That is extremely helpful, much more so than Scott’s “That’s it, you may not even get support for new cameras” line. Yes, traditionally x.1 and some x.2 releases have come with features that appear to have just missed the release window. Late in the game, LR5 added mobile support but that wasn’t even a feature that made sense in a non-cloud world, so restricting it was not so bad. (And you could get multiple 30-day trials).

  50. lyle 24 April, 2015 at 20:51 Reply

    Duplicate Collection Set – with 2 buttons, “Copy Hierarchy” and “Include photos in sets”
    That would be really handy.

    • lyle 24 April, 2015 at 23:49 Reply

      Re: the DNGs – HDRs are 16 bit Floating Point, Panos appear to be 16 bit Integer. This is coming from the Metadata shown using the “DNG” set (to the left of Metadata bar in the Library module. I just did one of each and looked, so if what they’re populating into the file at creation is correct, that’s what they appear to be to me.

    • Karsten Qvist 25 April, 2015 at 03:55 Reply

      Hi Fabio,

      Checked the bit depth in PS, and as one would expect Julieanne got it right, it is 16 bit. The upside is of course a smaller file size, and it sort of makes sense if it is primarily intended for merging 2 or 3 photos, rather than a lot. But the cost is limited editabilty; in fact when you use the autotone feature, the file is often delivered back with highlights already set to -100, thus severely restricting what you can do. I hope they are going to give us the option of 32 bit files in an update. Perhaps this is a situation, where they have already planned an easy update for later 🙂

    • Paul C 25 April, 2015 at 12:48 Reply

      I was just about to post the same thing…. however she does explain in the video that it retais 32-bit functionality (+/- 10 stops)

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