
The Adobe Exchange Now Has Lightroom

I’ve been a long time fan of the Adobe Exchange. I mention that site as a huge resource in just about every one of my Photoshop classes. Especially since I’m an actions nut and they’ve got the best resource out there for actions. But it’s not just actions – they’ve got everything when it comes to presets and cool downloadable “stuff” (free and not free) for every Adobe program out there. How does this relate to Lightroom though? Well, the folks over at the Adobe Exchange have finally included Lightroom in the mix. Now you can download Develop presets, export plug-ins, web galleries and who knows what else. Most of it is free but there is some paid stuff too. Plus, developers can place their downloads on the site which means I’ll probably be adding my presets soon. So… the moral of today’s post: Check out the Adobe exchange. Obviously for Lightroom stuff but also for lots of little gems that work with the other Adobe programs you use.

Here’s the link to the Adobe Exchange home page.

Here’s the link to the Lightroom section.



  1. jfdphoto 7 August, 2015 at 13:38 Reply

    Get professsional result in one click, great Lightroom presets here:

    These Presets are made for Adobe Lightroom and was designed to drastically improve workflows for processing and editing photos. It can be applied to a single or multiple images.

    Each preset has been designed to look great with a wide variety of images.
    In many cases, you will be able to get a perfect result with one click.
    However, you can still make adjustments for individual photos.

  2. Renato 19 June, 2008 at 18:32 Reply

    I’v just downloaded one of the programs of the exchange.

    Does any one know how to get it into Lightroom.


  3. Seim Effects 19 June, 2008 at 11:38 Reply

    One final though on the exchange. They seem to be running way behind lately. I don;t know how big the review team is but it can take weeks upon weeks for the to approve submissions.

    As much as I like it, I wish they would get behind it a bit better and keep it more up to date.


  4. Seim Effects 19 June, 2008 at 11:36 Reply

    Ya it’s great they have LR on there. I know I’ve added a few of my presets there, and I’m sure it will fill up fast.

    Though I make a business out of making effects and actions I still love the exchange. It’s a great place to get free stuff and demos.


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