FeaturedLightroom Mobile

Sharpening in is Lightroom Mobile. Noise Reduction, too! They’re Just Kinda Hidden.

Sharping and Noise Reduction — they’re both been in Lightroom Mobile since the last big update, but they were so hidden that even I didn’t realize they were there until this update when I saw the “Sharpening” icon from Photoshop once I clicked on the Selective tools, and thanks to the new User Interface in yesterday’s update — I now saw it.

Other people are writing about this like it was just released, too — I had to go ask Adobe directly, and they confirmed that it had been in there since the last update. I searched the Web and still couldn’t find anything on it…until yesterday. Anyway, it’s not hidden anymore. Here’s how it works:


When you enter Edit mode, and click on the Selective tools (on the far left), you’ll notice the Triangle icon on the right (shown circled here in red). Tap on that, and out pop the Noise reduction slider and the Sharpness slider.

These only work with Selective Edits
Drag out an oval, and you can sharpen within that oval area. Want to sharpen a whole lot of the image? Make that oval really big.

Or, try this:


Above: L: Use the Selective Edits gradient mask; drag it from the left side to the right side. Basically 1/2 your photo is sharpened. Center: Tap and hold on the center point of the gradient and choose Duplicate Selection. R: Use your finger to rotate this duplicated gradient mask 180° so now the other side is sharpened. This is not a perfect. But…ya know. It’s kinda close.  

So, these things are there, and we can use them as a workaround to what we really want, which is (of course), just regular ol’ sharpening and noise reduction on a global level, and I imagine one day we’ll have that, but until then…this is at least some sharpening and some noise reduction, so I’m happy. Well, happier. 😉

Hope you all have a great weekend. I’ve got a cool Photoshop thingy for you on Monday, so hope to see you then.



P.S. Thanks to all the KelbyOne members around the world who tuned in to my live Q&A on my “Simplified Lightroom Image Management” System Webinar yesterday. You guys, rock! 🙂



  1. Adithya 3 April, 2020 at 12:09 Reply

    Why’s there no noise reducer in my LR mobile cc… There isnt also a triangle button on my app.. How can I fix it??

  2. robin 25 September, 2017 at 22:02 Reply

    Thank YOU! Excellent tip. Works great – answered an issue I had with not being able to reduce grain in dng images.

    Beer on me

  3. m 18 August, 2017 at 13:30 Reply

    I do not see a triangle on my android Lightroom. Not able to find noise reducer. Also, is there a way to color a vignette? Thanks

  4. Greg 9 December, 2016 at 05:34 Reply

    Or just make the selective area cover the entire image. Still strange that there isn’t a global version of those sliders, but at least it can be done.

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